Paradise vs Pleasure — a Poem

It’s a simple choice we all face. An eternity with our heavenly father or temporary pleasure here on this earth. This poem reminds us of the significant sacrifice made for us by Jesus, and it prods us to think. What do we want? Why do we keep sinning? What about the pleasures of the world make them more valuable than an eternity with God?

Paradise vs Pleasure

The New Chance: His Love — A Christian Poem

Emily’s poem reminds us that Jesus Christ, by His willing death on the cross at the hands of ignorant and hateful men, offered us a chance. A chance to live with Him eternally. A chance to overcome the power of death, experience heaven, and be friends with the maker of heaven and earth. Have you taken that chance? Or have you turned your back on His offer? I suggest reviewing the offer and taking the chance.

By the way, Emily’s only 10 years old! She’s our youngest contributor ever!
The New Chance: His Love

I Saw A Little Girl of Seven — A Christian Poem

God seems to love to take seemingly impossible circumstances and turn them around. He turned Paul, a Christian-murderer, into one of His most influential men in history. He turned Joseph, a Hebrew slave, into Egypt’s leader, second only to Pharaoh. He raised Jairus’ daughter from the dead. Emily’s poem reminds us that He has and continues to work miracles in the lives of everyday people.

By the way, Emily’s only 10 years old! Thanks for the submission Emily!
I Saw A Little Girl of Seven