Christmas is Coming

A poem about the true meaning of Christmas. Are you focused on money? Gifts? Santa? Lights? Forget about that stuff & remember Jesus.

This poem reminds us that Christmas isn’t just about blowing money. It’s not about going into debt, about giving the most or getting the most, or about Santa Claus. It’s about the Jesus of the Bible, the One who came to earth to give us eternal life. Let’s try keeping our focus where it belongs this Christmas season.

Christmas is Coming

Only Jesus

Only Jesus. Only Jesus saves. Only Jesus heals. Only Jesus gives eternal life. Only Jesus. A poem by Cindy Wyatt.

Cindy’s sent in another poem (last May, I know—sorry Cindy) and now it’s finally posted. Geez, I’m behind. Hopefully I’ll get through May soon. If anyone has anything to send in (a poem or testimony) please know that it will be posted, but probably not for a while.

Anyway, I think the title says it all for this poem. Only Jesus can infuse meaning into a meaningless existence.

Only Jesus