Karen’s Testimony

Karen’s personal testimony – the story of the prodigal daughter.

I love stories like these. I guess it’s because I’ve heard so many of them. I guess it’s because it’s like mine.

So many parents have to deal with the grief of their child (or children) running away from God’s truth. They raise them to believe, but then watch helplessly as their children leave the fold and venture into sin.

God has a tendency to bring His children back to Himself. He does not want even one to be lost. If you’re the parent of such a child, be encouraged by Karen’s story.

Karen’s Christian Testimony

Will God Forgive Intentional Sin?

In Numbers we read that people who sinned intentionally were cut off. Will God forgive those who sin willfully?

In Numbers we read that there was no sacrifice for intentional sin. It seems as if a person who sinned intentionally had no hope. Does God forgive intentional sin? Does the Bible say anything else about this?

Will God Forgive Intentional Sin?

Will God Forgive Intentional Sin?

Will God forgive deliberate sin? Adultery? Theft? Greed? Lust? What if the sin has continued for a long time?

Adultery. Theft. Greed. Lust. Lying.

Sometimes Christians sin. And sometimes, Christians sin deliberately. When we make conscious decisions to ignore God’s direction and do our own thing, we put Him to open shame.

As life progresses and sin expands, feelings of hopelessness and doubt creep in.

“I’ll never be able to change.”
“I’ve been doing this way too long.”
“I won’t pray anymore. God won’t listen to me anyway.”
“If I died tonight, I’d wake up in hell.”
“What if all this is just a waste of my time? Is there really an invisible God in the sky?”

Ongoing sin produces guilt, doubt and complacency.

But if willful or intentional sins cannot be forgiven, then none of us have any hope.

Read our latest article:  Will God Forgive Intentional Sin?

Sin and Repentance

Sin has a way of warping our conscience. It deadens our senses and desensitizes us to the promptings of the Spirit.

Sin has a way of warping our conscience. It deadens our senses and desensitizes us to the promptings of the Spirit.

Sometimes our prayers may seem weak and useless. Fortunately, we don’t have to rely on the power of our words, but on the power of the One listening. He is faithful and just to forgive our sins; we must be faithful in returning to Him.

Read our latest article:

Sin & Repentance

Should Christians Drink Alcohol?

Should Christians consume alcohol?

Is drinking alcohol sinful? Should Christians abstain from alcohol? Some Christians think drinking is no big deal. Others wouldn’t touch a bottle of beer with a ten foot pole or even sniff food cooked with alcohol. See what the Bible has to say about it.

Is It a Sin for Christians to Drink Alcohol?

The Unpardonable Sin, Part 2

A follow-up article to our first one about the unpardonable sin – blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.

Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is a pretty serious offense. It’s the one sin the Bible calls “unpardonable.” You may have read our first article about it, The Unpardonable Sin. If not, that’d be a good one to read first, because this one is a follow-up to that one.

Read The Unpardonable Sin, Part 2

Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit

The Bible says the unpardonable sin is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. What exactly does that mean?

We’ve all heard about the unpardonable sin. And we’ve all probably had questions about it. What exactly is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit? Here’s a little excerpt from our new article:

If cursing the Holy Spirit was the unpardonable sin Jesus spoke about, then many of us would have no hope of Christ. While among scholars there is a great deal of debate as to what constitutes the “blasphemy of the Holy Spirit” spoken of by Jesus in Matthew 12:31-32, Mark 3:28-30, and Luke 12:10, I believe it certainly means . . .

Find out what we think it means by reading The Unpardonable Sin.

A Biblical Approach to Confessing Sin

Confessing sin – a Biblical approach.

The Bible tells us to confess sin. James 5:16 specifically says to confess our sins to one another and pray for one another. But what is the context of this verse? And are there other verses in Scripture that mandate confessing sins to one another? Should we reveal all the gory details of the sin when we confess? What is the Biblical pattern for confession of sin?

We attempt to answer that question in our article, A Biblical Approach to Confessing Sin.