Bible Book Outlines for Every Book in the Bible

…Outline of Nehemiah | PDF Outline of Esther | PDF Outline of Job | PDF Outline of Psalms | PDF Outline of Proverbs | PDF Outline of Ecclesiastes | PDF Song of Solomon Outline | PDF Outline of Isaiah | PDF Outline of Jeremiah | PDF Outline of Lamentations | PDF Outline of Ezekiel | PDF Outline of Daniel | PDF Outline of Hosea | PDF Outline of Joel | PDF Outline of Amos | PDF Outline of Obadiah |…

There Is Only One God — A Brief Examination of the Koran

…up to forty years of his age when the revelation come to him. There were no Jewish community in Makkah. 2- Makkans never allowed any other religion to penetrate their society. 3- We have no report whatsoever to tell that Muhammad used to read or learn before he received the Qur’an. There is nothing to tell that he learned Jewish or Christian Book in his birth place and bear in mind that he was unlettered. 4- He received the Qur’an…

Bijo’s Christian Testimony

exams and was confident of getting a first class which was very difficult in those days. As I got the question paper I was very happy but while writing through, about halfway, my hand started shivering and I could not continue my exam. Somehow I managed to sit through and left the exam hall early without having the courage to face my friends and discuss the questions. I reached home and started to cry and told the facts to my…

Kinsta Review – Top-Tier WordPress Website Hosting

complex plugins to configure) GCP’s premium tier network (speed, security) Google’s C2 VMs (Google’s finest machines) 28 data centers worldwide enterprise-level CDN (Cloudflare) for all plans (speed, security) scalable plans based on website needs APM tool (helps you locate performance bottlenecks) free local development tool free staging site (develop your site before publishing) daily automated backups free basic migrations from all hosting providers security guarantee free website monitoring free DDoS protection 99.9% SLA-backed uptime guarantee kinsta vs other Hosts comparison…

Do We Have Free Will?

…great deal of debate down through the centuries. Some resolve the debate by insisting that we do not have a “free will.” They argue that our sin taints and subjugates the will so that our will is not free. And I am in sympathy with the view that if “free will” means an untainted will, none of us have free wills. But as used in common parlance, the term “free will” means the ability to make a decision when faced…


Search for: Search Use quotes to search for a specific phrase. Examples: “Jesus loves you” or “trust in the Lord”…

Steve’s Christian Testimony

…I was limited because of what I was taught in school. I never really understood what it meant to be a born-again Christian. Like most people, I understood it in literal and physical terms, and wondered, “How can you be ‘born-again’ when you haven’t even died yet?” However, over the past two years, I decided to keep an open-mind to learn more about it. I had just come out of a serious relationship and for the first time, I was…

Sawyer’s Trials – Todd & Lynn’s Journey to Faith

…lady. She is much stronger than I am as I tend to get consumed with my emotions. She does know that my door is always open. I think she just searches in different ways when it comes to facing pain instead of bringing up the pain. I am not going to mess with what works for her. She just needs to know that I am there. So there really wasn’t much talk about losing that little one. We just focused…

Choosing the Right Web Host – Why It Matters So Much

…websites are backed up automatically. I have to install and configure a third party plugin. And I have to create a Dropbox (or another storage service) account and sync them. It’s complicated. None of my websites are optimized for speed. I have to install a third party plugin (like W3 Total Cache) and configure it. It’s complicated. None of my websites have comprehensive security features built in. I have to install a third party plugin like Sucuri or Wordfence and…

Is Mormonism True?

…that teaching. Nowhere does Scripture support this teaching. The following are excellent resources for learning about Mormonism as it relates to Christianity: Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry (CARM) Evidence for God from Science These are both excellent resources. There may be more out there (I’m sure there are), and, if so, I’d be glad to add them to this list. Please let me know by sending us an email through this site. It remains amazing to me that anyone would…