Kevin Haag’s Christian Testimony

…But inside of me, something was happening. I started thinking about my life as it was. I started having thoughts of God. Matt was true to his word, he didn’t come around anymore. On a Sunday morning around 8:00 a.m. in February, 1996 (I had turned 23 in January), I was sitting on my couch in my apartment. I was just coming down from one of many (multiple) highs throughout the night. We had not gone to bed all night…

Should I Make Restitution for Past Sins?

…an arsonist and burn down buildings worth millions of dollars.  Another person spends his life in business being known as a cut-throat competitor who gets ahead by driving others out of their businesses.  Still another person was not paying attention as much as he should have been and causes an accident that kills a young mother.  Each of these three persons thereafter comes to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.  What would the gospel tell each one to do?  There…

Faith vs Election–What Is the Path to Salvation?

…of those who hate Me but shows mercy to those who love Him and keep His commandments (Exodus 20:5-6). Does this not communicate to us that God’s hatred and God’s mercy depend on our attitudes towards Him? In Deuteronomy 30:11-20, we have a very significant passage, because Paul quotes this in Romans 10 as being the righteousness which comes from faith (Romans 10:6-8) in contrast to the righteousness which comes from the works of the law. If Paul sees Deuteronomy…

Dewey Dovel’s Christian Testimony

…your own strength. I tell you the truth, you can be set free by Jesus Christ! The truth shall set you free! It is through Jesus Christ that we are set free from the shackles and bondage of all our sin, mistakes and failures. It is only through God’s Divine, Perfect Love that our lives can be transformed. It is through the precious blood of Jesus Christ that we can be set free of all our sins (Romans 3:22) ….

Evangelicals Interpret the Bible Incorrectly When It Comes to Baptism

…Scriptures or at least read into the Scriptures something they do not say to believe that forgiveness of sins comes solely by faith and not by baptism.  Then you suggest that perhaps forgiveness of sins can come both by faith and by baptism.  You suggest that those who believe that forgiveness of sins comes by faith and not by baptism are following a false doctrine invented by 16th century Swiss Anabaptists.  But you must admit that the verses you cite…

My Life Before Jesus — Brooke’s Christian Testimony

…the same since. If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. John 8:36 Jesus set me free from lesbianism, witchcraft, drugs, and alcohol. Never to return again. I also am not on medicine anymore for depression. Jesus my Lord has paid the price for my freedom and He has gently and faithfully healed my broken heart. Through His Word and forgiveness, He has enabled me to forgive those who have wounded me. If you forgive…

Chris’s Christian Testimony

…house.” The innocent child continues to play not realizing that the dark of night brings out different players–beasts of the night and predators come out to hunt. No longer is it innocent games of hide and seek, or cowboys and Indians. The rules of darkness are different. Come into the house, children, where there is light; come into the house, children, for your safety, until the dark of night passes. Like Mother calling her children out of darkness, there comes…

Reshmi’s Christian Testimony

…and successful future. The college was located far from where my parents lived and so I stayed in the college ladies’ hostel. A few months into the first year of the course, my life began taking a different direction. For no reason that I could figure, I started having difficulty recalling what I studied. When I appeared for tests and university exams, my mind simply blanked out. This repeated over and over again and with increasing frequency. Confidence in my…

The Truth About the Da Vinci Code

…mostly on someone’s view of how theology developed (i.e., a book must be dated later because its theology is more complex). However, one has only to read Clement of Rome or Ignatius to understand that the early church had a very complex and developed theology. And to date the gospels into the second century runs into problems because early church writers, before then, quote passages from these gospel accounts. The attached chronology does not include every book written and known…

John’s Christian Testimony

…with not being able to support my wife during this very difficult time. Missing the birth of my second child was worse than the time I spent behind bars. Amazing Grace One morning I woke up and was about to lose complete faith and had thoughts of hardening my heart as I thought I was going to end up in prison. At that moment an officer came over the intercom and told me to get ready for court. I got…