Can Christians Enjoy Worldly Pleasures Like Movies, Games and TV?

…writes in very strong terms in the book of Galatians about the danger of adding anything to faith in God. By turning to God in faith, we receive His salvation. Faith is what pleases God (Hebrews 11:6). But, though Scriptures strongly teach that faith is the path to God, they also teaches us that loving God is the first and great command (Matthew 22:37-38). In our pursuit of this command, we want to put away whatever distracts us from a…

Joseph’s Christian Testimony – Saved From Addiction

…anyone. I would just sit there glued to the computer and masturbate daily multiple times a day. The devil had me blinded thinking that this was okay, that it was just hormones. He fooled me into thinking that it wasn’t a sin. I thought, it’s just natural and I’ll eventually stop someday. But in reality this sin separated me from God. For ten years I was like this, all throughout high school and college, even after graduating from college and…

You, God, and Your Auspicious Vocabulary

…Unfortunately this means a lot is coming out of the heart, over the tongue, and through the lips without thought, without review, and without any filters. We verbally unload a lot without thinking through what we are unloading. Be this as it may, the big question is, does God care how we speak? He knows our sinfulness and brokenness, even in our ability to communicate. How broken is your ability to communicate? Line up all the sinful grievances in the…

Maureen’s Christian Testimony – You Can’t Hide Forever

come, or at least I didn’t find Him in the playground. I got angry, and I stopped coming as well. A few years later, I came back. I was alone. I was lost. Then, out of the shadows, I saw Jesus by the swing and I stumbled back. “Where were you?” He kindly answered, “I thought we were playing hide and seek. I merely changed our usual spot in the playground since the swing-sets looked fun.” I felt tears run…

Tim, How Did You Come to Know Hebrew?

…would have had access to many of the Psalms, although certainly not the complete Psalter as it exists today. Thus, I think one can be fairly confident in using these resources as helping to understand the meaning of the terms Jeremiah uses. I think there is far less confidence in using other resources as being helpful to understand what Jeremiah is saying. Certainly, the closer the resource is to Jeremiah’s time, the more reliance we rightly could place on it….

Jeremiah 17:9 – Further Commentary

Question from a Site Viewer I would like to start by saying how much I loved what Tim had to say about Jeremiah 17:9. I found it beautiful and well thought out and presented so simply that it was very easy to digest which I appreciate a lot. My question comes from the same page and is about the word “achov”. I know the article said that Tim studies Hebrew and so I am hopeful that he may be able…

Have I Committed the Unpardonable Sin?

…had committed the unpardonable sin. There would be no benefit to me if I decided to ignore God simply because I thought I had committed the unpardonable sin. Such would lead to a hopeless life. But, if I sought God, then even though He was determined to destroy me, there would always be a hope in my mind that perhaps He would relent of His determination and yet accept me one day. When Nathan told David that his child was…