The Resurrection of the Body – Is the Body Important to God?

Question from a Site Viewer What’s all this business with Moses’ body? Why did Satan want Moses’ body? Why did God hide his body? If the body is destroyed (burned or lost due to other reasons) will this be a concern as far as bodily resurrection is concerned? Lastly, what about cremation today? Will this be a hindrance come the day of resurrection? Tim’s Answer Thank you for your questions concerning Moses’ death and what ramifications it may have for

I Have Fallen Away — Have I Lost My Salvation?

…I want to go back desperately; I want to renew my relationship with God. I want to be joyful and confident that He is by my side at all times. I want to live like Job — no matter what comes my way, to praise God all the time. But I feel like I have no right to do so, because I disobeyed deliberately far too many times. My sin was lust and anger. It kills me inside to say…

Is There Really Such a Thing As Demonic Possession?

Question from a Site Viewer What is really happening when demons or evil spirits inhabit someone’s body? Tim’s Answer Demonic activity in a person’s life can take many forms. In the New Testament, sometimes a person was ill and Jesus simply healed them. Other times, He cast out a demon and they were restored (Matthew 17:15-18). So it is possible that some illnesses may come from the work of demons. Sometimes, the demons took complete control of the person, as…

The Book of Ezekiel, Part 3

…hope for us. Even in the face devastating sin and rebellion, God promises to transform and restore His people. And the same is true for every follower of Jesus. God is working to transform us, and He has promised a complete restoration. We have much to look forward to. Humanity’s rebellion will come to an end. God will fully dwell with us. We can live now with joy, knowing that God’s victory is sure. The best is yet to come!…

I Survived Abortion – Melissa Ohden’s Incredible Testimony

…statements like, “a saline infusion for an abortion was done, but was unsuccessful.” In another area, my records list out a complication of pregnancy as a “saline infusion.” As hard as it was to read those records, finding my birth parents names in them brought me great joy, understandably. When I started searching for my birth parents, I learned I was living in the same city as my birthfather. Sadly, he never responded to a letter that I sent him,…

Jesus Has Left Me; I Have No Hope

…all my counsel     and would have none of my reproof, 26 I also will laugh at your calamity;     I will mock when terror strikes you, 27 when terror strikes you like a storm     and your calamity comes like a whirlwind,     when distress and anguish come upon you. 28 Then they will call upon me, but I will not answer;     they will seek me diligently but will not find me. Proverbs 1: 24-28 (ESV) I became uneasy and silently prayed for a scripture to read. I heard Hebrews…

I Find Myself Getting Angry at God

Question from a Site Viewer Sometimes I find myself getting tired and confused. Then I will often be very emotional with God. I will feel angry at God and distant from Him. How can I cope with these feelings? Tim’s Answer You ask what is the best remedy for when you feel tired and confused and become emotional, distant and angry towards God. The best remedy for tiredness is sleep. The best remedy for confusion is focus on Jesus Christ….

Jeremiah 17:9 – An Anomaly In Modern English Translations

…all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Yes, to Him, we are all wicked. Remember! We are not saved by any works lest we boast. We are saved simply by faith. There is nothing but wickedness in our hearts. I have to stop myself daily with wicked thoughts and I know I’m in the book of life as I have complete and total faith in my Father Jesus Christ. It doesn’t mean that God can’t look…

Seven Steps To Knowing God More

Question from a Site Viewer My life is falling apart! Everything goes wrong in my life. I fight with my family and friends. Everything I touch ends up as a problem. It seems like God is punishing me! I want God to hear me. Can you give me a prayer so that He will listen? I want Him to show me what I’m doing wrong. I want to know why I can’t move forward.  Tim’s Answer I do not know…

Julien’s Testimony — From Desperation to Revelation

…dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Ephesians 6:12 I’ve learned that experimenting with mediums, psychics, fortunetellers, tarot card readings, séances, horoscopes, paranormal phenomena, talking to the dead, seeking after ghosts, playing with Ouija boards, watching horror movies or television shows, listening to music with lyrics of profanity, murder, suicide, etc. and pornography prop the door wide open to the enemy’s activity. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have…