Does God Really Forgive Me?

…things, not because they are the right thing to do, but do them as an offering to the God who has forgiven you. Take joy in being able to show your love for Him by serving others. Focus your life there, always keeping Jesus at the center of your vision. Walking with the Spirit is not some hard thing. It is rather a constant communication with God and humbly seeking to obey God’s commands. When I say “constant,” I mean…

I Am Lonely — How Can I Make and Keep Friends?

Question from a Site Viewer I am lonely. I don’t want to be alone anymore. I have a serious problem in dealing with people. My friendships always break. I lose the people I love the most because my character drives them away. I am lonely and I don’t know how I can maintain friendships. Tim’s Answer Loneliness can be a significant hindrance to life. And friends can be a great blessing. Scripture tells us that to have friends one must…

My Wife Does Not Love Me – What Can I Do?

…or even the next day because she can’t drive with the alcohol in her system. She is disrespectful, always ungrateful with everything, verbally insulting, does not care for our kids the way I believe she should, screams at me and kids when she is irate, sometimes can’t stand to be home and is always impatient with our three young kids. Clearly, my wife does not love me anymore. When she isn’t working she complains about money and when she is…

I Feel Hopeless – Can I Still Return to God?

…the discipline of regular memorization. You create new neuron pathways with memorization and you thus begin the process of reshaping the brain. It is important to follow the command of Philippians 4:8 and think about good things. Do not give place in your mind for thoughts that would take you away from God. When such thoughts come in, and they will likely be a constant barrage for a few months (or perhaps even years), use them as a triggering device…

How Can I Avoid Sexual Sin?

…female body, temptation overwhelms me and I give in to sin. Now that seems bad but there is another layer. I go to Christians and ask for help. They tell me there is something wrong with me. They say this is not normal. They tell me this is evidence that I’m not saved. They tell me I don’t read the Bible enough, or I’m not in prayer enough, or that I’m too evil and God will never forgive me. I’ve…

Celia’s Christian Testimony

…me. That moment I believed and received Him, His indescribable peace and joy flooded me, and agape love entered into my being. I told my family within a few days what had happened, and even though I was such a baby in Christ, within a few years, my family had come to faith as well. About a month after coming into a real relationship with the living God, I found a Bible-believing church and got baptized. I can’t say that…

I Am Living in Fear Every Day

…of everyone, by simply getting them to say some words in a weak moment. God understands our weaknesses. He will not be frustrated in His plan to save those who believe by such a scheme. That you acknowledge your sin and turn to God tells me that you have not committed the unforgivable sin. I encourage you to cling to His promises and not let the accuser of the brethren have a voice in your mind. As for the passages…

Leave Your Life of Sin and Return to Jesus

Question from a Site Viewer I’m living a life of sin . . . I have had a terrible past for twenty years. I told many lies and gave many false testimonies in God’s name. I tried to earn His love because I thought he abandoned me. I also once said that it was a lie that the Holy Spirit comforts people because I was in such pain. I am terrified of hell! I have many more sins than I…

Will My Wife Ever Forgive Me?

…my life? Will my wife ever forgive me? Tim’s Answer First, I commend you for telling the truth to your spouse. I also commend you for acknowledging that what you did was sin. I am a little concerned about the statement about being human. The statement comes across to me as detracting from the contrition and implicitly providing an excuse for the sin. We are all human, but by the grace of God we are more than human. God holds…

Is It Essential For Salvation to Believe that Jesus Is God?

…right in terms of theology in order to be saved. But then again, I think it was just assumed that believing Jews back in Jesus’ day believed that Jesus was/is God because only God can forgive sins, and a big part of being saved is believing that Jesus came, died, and rose again to forgive the sins of mankind. Jesus forgives because Jesus is God; that is what New Testament Jews and Gentiles believed. How is it possible that some…