The Book of Mormon — Solid Rock or Sinking Sand?

…Joseph Smith didn’t know what he was looking at. In fact, with total divine inspiration he didn’t even need the plates at all! More subtle problems emerge when we remember that Lehi and his clan supposedly left the Middle East around the year 600 B.C., thereby freezing their language and knowledge in that time frame. I don’t think that Greek was a well known or common language in Judea at that time. But the BoM uses many Greek derived words…

I Sinned Deliberately Again! Has God Abandoned Me?

…(2 Chronicles 36:15-16), and even then He promised to go with them into captivity (Ezekiel 11:16). God still has His arms open to welcome each of us back. His heart is mercy and He extends His mercy freely to those who turn to Him. What you describe, thus, is not God abandoning you. Rather, what you describe is you abandoning God. Your feelings are common among those who turn away from the true living water and seek satisfaction in the…

God’s Grace is Enough

…will when he came back would be beaten with many stripes. To say that Jesus would accept a person who had done such things is to say that Jesus contradicts Himself. It seems as though God’s grace isn’t really enough. Tim’s Answer God’s grace can save the vilest of sinners. Paul, the great apostle, states that Christ Jesus came to save sinners, of whom he was chief (1 Timothy 1:15). But he said in the preceding verse that the grace…

Christians Are Bigoted People

…I don’t want to go there! What do I do? I do realize that a lot of this is way outside of your comfort zone and I apologize for this and any offense that I may have caused you. Tim’s Answer First, let me deal with the last portion of your email. You state that you have met many “nasty, bigoted people who are full of hate and call themselves Christians and can quote the Bible.” If heaven is full…

Christians Should Be Baptized

…position rightly that we believe that baptism is part of our obedience to God. I have never understood how any teacher can read the Bible and come away with a view that baptism is not necessary at all. The command of Jesus was for us to go into all the world and make disciples, baptizing them in the triune name of our God (Matthew 28:19). Is this command no longer valid? Can we be followers of Christ and not obey…

Winning the Battle Against Internet Porn

Question from a Site Viewer I have been struggling with my faith for awhile now. I can’t seem to get away from Internet porn. Winning the battle against porn seems nearly impossible to me. I’ll go months without it then ruin it by slipping up. The worst part is I have a beautiful girlfriend and a kid on the way. I just can’t stand being the person I am and I really need help, but I feel like I committed…

Was Satan Made in the Image of God?

…the likeness of God which comes only with the Spirit of God. (Against Heresies, Bk. 4, Ch. 6.) He advances the argument by stating that a man without a body, soul, or spirit, would not be said to be in the image of God. It is the commingling of the three in one person that places man within God’s image. Stated more simply, we share the image of God in the complexity wrapped up in simplicity that makes up our…

Astrology — Are There Any Godly Uses?

example, if he knows someone that is a Capricorn, and they do something that is very “Capricornish”, he’ll say that it is so because that person is a Capricorn. To go more deeply, he believes that astronomy has a lot to do with how a person is going to turn out in terms of character and personality. What do you think about this? What is the biblical support for this? Is this something I should confront him about? Tim’s Answer…

Mormonism is Not Christianity

…and it hurts to see him believe so strongly in something that is false. Maybe it’s a lost cause. Should I just leave him to it? I’m torn between him and his religion. I want to be with him but without the Mormonism. And I want to find the true Church. Tim’s Answer Thank you for writing. Mormonism is not Christianity, at least not Christianity as taught by Jesus and His disciples. Mormonism claims that the church strayed from the…

Alaina’s Christian Story

…no agony or pain. Just pure happiness and love with God. I felt happy to understand that no matter what happens in my life now, I have to learn to be faithful to God. I wondered about my sins too. I began to feel how many sins I really committed in my life. Eventually, I ventured into other parts of the Bible. I learned that there was a time when people constantly made animal sacrifices for the sins they committed….