Problems — I have a Lot of Problems

Question from a Site Viewer I am 18 years old and I have problems–lots of problems. I’ve been in church my whole life and I’ve been struggling lately. I have had recent problems getting along with my family and friends and I’ve had a lot of personal problems with myself. Could all these problems be happening because I have failed God? Tim’s Answer Thank you for your question. When problems arise, they can come for many reasons. Sometimes they come…

Time to Move On

…good to able to come of this. Tim’s Answer Thank you for your question. From your brief account, you remind me of a story that Jesus told in Luke 15 of the prodigal son. Your return to the Father requires you to come understanding that the life you had was not the life He wished for you. It is very difficult, once one is entangled with a relationship, to simply walk away. Your brother who is with you can see…

Outline of Mark

…are a priority 1:35-39 He touched a leper and leper became clean 1:40-45 He forgives a paralytic to prove His Deity 2:1-12 He proclaims Himself the physician 2:13-17 He proclaims Himself the bridegroom 2:18-22 He proclaims Himself Lord of the Sabbath 2:23-28 The Opposition Rises 3:1-6:56 They plot to destroy Him 3:1-6 But He had a great following 3:7-12 He appointed subordinates 3:13-19 They spread slander 3:20-30 His own family thinks He is mad 3:21, 31-35 He resorts to parables…

Savior on the Cross

…Heaven one day be If he had not paid that tremendous price for us There would simply be no hope because It took the blood of the sinless Lamb of God to pay for all For all the sins of the world since the Adam and Eve fall If we had to pay for our own sins, we would have to go to hell It is such a horrible place with fire, that it breaks my heart to tell That…

Why do People Lie?

…me. They will use examples of those who hid the Jews during World War II from the Nazis. Did people do right in lying to the Nazis to protect the Jews? This is a question about which those motivated by love may have different answers. I do not write to condemn those who may disagree with my understanding of Scripture and the nature of God. And I respect the fact that sometimes people are faced with what seems to be…

Marijuana Is Not Bad — People Are

Question from a Site Viewer My child (high school) says to me, “Abuse is due to the person. Anyone can abuse anything. Don’t blame a plant (marijuana) for doing something wrong. Marijuana is not bad.” What can I tell him? Tim’s Answer I agree abstractly with your child’s statement. Anyone can abuse anything. However, that is not the issue with marijuana. The issue is not abuse, but rather the issue is what draws us closer to the Jesus of the…

Confessing My Sin

…person listening to understand the ache that is attached to the confessor’s heart. There is certainly something that is healing when a godly person learns of our past sin and models God’s grace and mercy to us. I think such in-the-flesh examples help us understand our God’s position that past sin does not affect our present relationship with Him, a concept that we sometimes find difficult to accept. My concern is that it seems such godly people are rare. I…

Sexual Thoughts

…in worshiping God. I wish I could discipline my body to worship God in my thoughts. I know I am in bondage and slavery. What can I do? Tim’s Answer I am encouraged that you are engaging in the struggle and not simply giving yourself over to these sexual thoughts. Let me provide some words of advice and encouragement. First, it is not sin to desire to be in a relationship with a man. This is both natural and God-given….

Are We Saved by Faith and Works?

Question from a Site Viewer Are we saved by faith and works? Scripture says we’re saved by faith, but James says that without works our faith is dead. Tim’s Answer Thank you for your question about whether we are saved by faith and works. The Bible is quite clear that we are saved by faith and not by works. In fact, the Bible expressly states this to be the case (Ephesians 2:8-9; Titus 3:5). Believing God is the sole basis…

Should Christians Wear Jewelry?

…24:22; Song of Solomon 1:10-11; Isaiah 61:10; Jeremiah 2:32). The problem always goes back to the heart. If we avoid jewelry but have bad hearts, the avoidance of jewelry has no benefit to us, to God, or to others. And, of course, if we simply ignore these passages and do entirely the opposite, dressing with what can be only described as extravagance as a way to flaunt ourselves, we violate the words of our God. I commend you for your…