Knowing God More

…hearts condemn us. Knowing and loving God is all about doing as He lovingly commands His children. What are His commands? To believe in the name of His Son, Jesus Christ, and to love one another as He commanded us. Finally, Jesus commanded us in the “Great Commission” to go and make disciples of all nations . . . and teach them to obey everything He commanded us. A disciple is a student who carries his role much further than…

What is Christianity All About?

…said that eternal life is simply knowing the Father and His Son, Jesus (John 17:3). There is a lot of great wisdom in Scripture and a great many “principles” for daily living. But it is all just so much vanity and chasing of the wind unless we live in the knowledge of Him, every day. Ultimately, His people are those who have chosen to love Him with all of their energies. Scripture is given to us for the purpose of…

The Horror on the Hill

Question from a Site Viewer Hi. My question is: what is the horror on the hill being talked about in the gospel of Mark? People are told not to go back and get anything from their houses. Tim’s Answer Your question is an interesting one. Mark 13:14-16 states: But when you see the abomination of desolation standing where it ought not, let the reader understand, let those in Judea flee to the mountain; and the one on the housetop not…

Ezekiel 1 — A Short Exposition

…we come in humility through Jesus Christ. Some read Ezekiel 1 and focus on the creatures and the wheels. They miss the main point. The creatures and wheels are simply the supporting cast of the One who rides on the cherub and comes to our need. He comes to us. But, the story of Ezekiel is that if we turn our backs on Him, ignore Him, and pursue our own desires, He will go away. He did then, and He…

Does God Still Work Miracles?

…because I read about people who thought they were Christian, but then they have these wonderful experiences. Could you shed some light on this? Thank you. Tim’s Answer Thank you for your question. It is a good one. It goes to the very heart of what it means to live a life pleasing to God. When we come to God, we come to One who is able to do the impossible. As Scripture says, nothing is impossible with Him. However,…

Will There Be Jews in Heaven?

…us to simply come and believe (John 3:16), to turn and follow Jesus. All who do so will be brought into the kingdom of the Son of His love (Colossians 1:13-14). This is the way for all peoples. It does not matter what nationality the person is. There is no distinction between Jews and Gentiles when it comes to access to the Father (Romans 10:12-13). I hope this helps you. May the Lord Jesus guide you into His truth. tim…

Is God Fair?

…to Elijah is that God often does not come in the violent storms, or in the earthquakes, or in the conflagrations of nature, but He comes in the still small voice (1 Kings 19:11-13). He tells us that there is a day coming when all will be righted. He tells us that we are destined for a life better than the life here. He tells us that in Him there is refuge from the storms of life. God does not…

A Short Summary on the History of Christianity

Question from a Site Viewer Would you be able to suggest any text book, author, or writings that would give me detailed information about the history of Christianity? Much of what I have found on these subjects is specifically bent towards one bias or another. I lean very much towards the Protestant view in terms of doctrine. The problem I’m having lately is that when you’re discussing Christianity as a whole, the Catholic church claims to be the church that…

The Fruit of the Vine — What Is It?

…The 1 Corinthians 11 passage tells us that communion is a remembrance, it is not an literal re-enactment of Jesus’ death. While there may be a superficial appeal to taking Jesus’ statements to mean that the wine becomes the blood and the bread becomes His flesh, the Scriptural problems with such view are almost too numerous to grasp, including a direct contradiction with the statement of Scripture that Christ’ sacrifice is not a continuing sacrifice, but a once for ever…

Jesus’ Baptism — What Does it Represent?

Question from a Site Viewer I have read that when Jesus was baptized it represented the “laying on Him” the sins of all of us. That is, instead of cleansing Him of sin, which does not make sense, it loaded him with iniquity of us all. He became our Sacrificial Lamb. Is this a correct understanding of the symbolism of His baptism? Thanks. Tim’s Answer I follow a simple view of Scripture. If Scripture does not say something, I do…