Can We Understand the Book of Revelation?

…unless others agree with you, they are wrong, and they may be, but then you may too be wrong. No, I didn’t think so. Tim’s Answer Thank you for your comments on the book of Revelation. I think none of us are completely correct in all our theology. We are on a journey in this life. As we live out the Christ life, help our neighbors, and serve one another as He taught us, we are conformed by His Spirit…

Whose Gospel Is it Anyway?

…are accursed. He states again that the gospel he preached did not come from men (Galatians 1:11-12), but through the revelation of Jesus Christ. It was his gospel. But it was more than simply his gospel. Paul also calls the gospel “our gospel” (2 Corinthians 4:3; 1 Thessalonians 1:5; 2 Thessalonians 2:14). Those who joined with Paul shared in the personal connection to the gospel (see also Galatians 1:8, 11). And, finally, we who believe in the gospel have every…

The Silent Years

…was older (over 100)? Is there a place in the Bible that says that God was silent for 400 years? If there is, I can’t find it. Can we conclude that God was silent for those 400 years? I would like to hear your take on this one as I have researched what we have here and come up without answers. Tim’s Answer You ask whether God was silent during the 400 years between the prophet Malachi, the last of…

Is Scripture Accurate?

…point against the inerrancy of scripture as a whole. But doesn’t this cast shadow on other places where man is quoted, such as the whole book of Psalms, Mary’s Magnificat, Paul’s passage where it is him speaking, not the Lord, etc. Tim’s Answer Your question is a good one. Not only here, but several times in the Psalms similar statements are made. Psalm 6:5; 30:9; 88:10-12; 115:17. Also, Solomon in Ecclesiastes says much the same thing (Eccl. 9:5). And yet,…

The Genealogy of Jesus Explained

Question from a Site Viewer Why is the father of Joseph different in Matthew 1:16 (Jacob) from Luke 3:23 (Heli)? The genealogy of Jesus should be like any other genealogy — accurate. In other words, there shouldn’t be different versions. Tim’s Answer The question of why the genealogies in Matthew and Luke are different has been answered in different ways by different theologians. In the end, only God really knows the completely accurate genealogy of Jesus. However, among the different…

Overcoming Sin

Question from a Site Viewer I’ve struggled with lust for a long time. I have victory at times, but I continue to fall. I continue to turn to Scripture for help but overcoming sin seems so impossible. Tim’s Answer Thanks for going to Scripture to find your answers. One of the Spirit’s close associates is the Word of God, as the Word is His sword (Ephesians 6:17). I think it is critical to spiritual maturity that we keep our minds…

What Does it Mean to Repent?

Question from a Site Viewer What does it mean to repent? Tim’s Answer Thank you for your question. Your question is one that is grounded in the root of what it means to have a relationship with the living Jesus Christ. God has called all men everywhere to repent (Acts 17:30). Jesus told those coming to Him that unless they repented, they would perish (Luke 13:1-5). Peter told the crowd on Pentecost that they needed to repent (Acts 2:38). And…

Spiritual Gifts

Question from a Site Viewer I was always curious about spiritual gifts. I have recently come across the opportunity to speak in tongues at a retreat. The pastor at the retreat encouraged people to come up on the last night of the retreat and pray for the gift of tongues. I tried but I didn’t receive it. I was just wondering what could have prevented me from receiving it? I thought at first that it was because I didn’t want…

Should Christians Keep the Sabbath?

Question from a Site Viewer If Jesus came to fulfill the law and obey all of it, why do we Christians fail to keep the commandment of obseversing the Sabbath? From Genesis to Revelation we are told to keep the Sabbath holy. Tim’s Answer First, you are not correct when you say that from Genesis to Revelation we are told to keep the Sabbath holy. Not once in the New Testament is this statement made. In fact, the Sabbath is…

Knowledge Without Action

…our lives. To know and not do stifles the very life from the word. The word of God then becomes simply facts and information, stored memory disconnected from any life-giving power. Knowledge does not save. The devils know who Jesus is. Even Satan could quote scripture at Jesus. Salvation comes from trusting solely in Christ. Faith is an action word and true faith always leads to true love. These are the first and and second commands as stated by Jesus;…