Mary’s Anointing of Jesus

Question from a Site Viewer The Gospels of Mathew and Mark record the anointing of Jesus by Mary as two days before the Passover, while the Gospel of John says that Mary anointed Jesus six days before the Passover. Even the interpretive challenges view (such as the different way that northern Jews and southern Jews calculate days) cannot reconcile the four days difference. Can you please explain this discrepancy? Tim’s Answer Thank you for your question. I wonder if you…

The Rapture

…Good Christians can be found in each of the camps. However, not everyone can be right. And, ultimately, our only authority must come back to the word of God. I do not take strong issue with those who believe differently. However, I believe the view that best harmonizes the data Scripture gives to us is the pre-tribulation rapture position. Let me explain why I take this view. The word rapture comes from a Latin word and is not found in…

Did the Bible Come from the Catholics?

Question from a Site Viewer Did the Bible come from the Catholics? Tim’s Answer The quick answer is no. The idea that the Bible was written or decreed by the Roman Catholic Church seems strange to anyone who has read the Bible or understands the history of the church. The church began at Pentecost, when Peter preached a sermon at Jerusalem that is recorded in part for us in Acts 2. Jesus had commanded his disciples to go and proclaim…

Can My Hardened Heart Be Fixed?

…a friend who has a young child. When born, the child can do nothing. Day after day, the child kicks his legs and waves his arms, seemingly in futility. But it is not futility. These activities that seem futile are actually strengthening the muscles, sending messages to the brain, wiring the brain for more action that ultimately lead to some coordination. The arms and legs begin to work in concert. Then the day comes when the child is able to…

Hebrews 10:26 — Can Salvation Be Lost?

…tells to drive home His point that God’s desire is not to condemn those who sin, but to restore them. The first parable in this series, Luke 15:3-7, is about a sheep that belonged to the shepherd that was lost. Jesus likens the sheep to a sinner (verse 7). The shepherd goes out and searches until he finds the sheep and then rejoices that the sheep has been found. All we like sheep go astray, and the Lord searches for

Bringing Back the Dead

…this was not a proper thing to do. Also, Samuel had a message from God to Saul that was not positive for Saul. Saul and his sons would be dead the very next day (1 Samuel 28:19). What are we to take from this account? First, we should not be consulting mediums, lest we come under God’s disfavor (Leviticus 19:31; 20:6; Deuteronomy 18:9-14; 2 Kings 21:6; 23:24-25; 2 Chronicles 33:6). Scripture is clear that we should not seek the dead…

Is Christmas a Pagan Holiday?

…(after, of course, the actual birth) or prohibits such celebration. Scripture is silent on this precise issue. But Scripture is not silent on celebrations. In the Old Testament, God commanded three distinct times of celebrations; the Passover/Unleavened Bread feasts, the Pentecost/Feast of Firstfruits, and the Feast of Tabernacles (Deuteronomy 16:1-17). These were times of celebrations, remembering God’s great mercies to His people. They were annual commemorations of significant events in the salvatory work of God for Israel. They were commanded…

Distinctions Between the Father and the Son

…told that the Spirit is another Comforter just like the Son. I applaud your desire to maintain the deity of Christ and the oneness of God. I think that is commendable. But I also would encourage you to be open to the possibility that the church through the ages has not been devoid of the Holy Spirit’s guidance in its consistent understanding of God. There are sound Biblical bases for accepting the Trinity, including that the distinctions made repeatedly by…

Some Notes on Tithing

…they are missing the more important matters. Jesus knows how to issue commands when He intends us to follow them. He commands love. He commands abiding in Him. He commands serving. He never commands the tithe to His disciples. And neither do the disciples He chose. As the article points out, the many passages in the New Testament that teach on giving never mention the tithe. The New Testament remains strangely silent in teaching on tithing. This is not to…

Jew — Nationality or Religion?

Question from a Site Viewer Is there a difference between a Jew and Jewish religion? Is there a Jewish nationality and then a Jewish religion? Here’s an example. I am a Christian and believe in the Bible. If I had grandparents that were Jews and followed the Jewish religion would I be able to say that I have Jew in me? Tim’s Answer Thank you for your question. Yes, there is a difference between being a Jew and being of…