Karen’s Christian Testimony

…has given me freedom from sin. I lost an earthly father but I gained my Heavenly Father! Stay faithful and be grateful. Your Sister in Christ our Lord, Karen Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6 And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:6…

Christopher’s Christian Testimony

…By that, I mean saved from Hell. In my particular case, it happened after God re-enacted Pentecost for my benefit. And suddenly there came from heaven the sound of a rushing wind that filled the whole house where they were sitting. Acts 2:2 The doors and windows were closed. There was no draught within. The only way that wind could have been generated in that room was by supernatural means. This wind went through my eardrums and penetrated every single…

Delivered from Satanism and Demons

…life okay.” I have come a long way from those days in satanism. I still believe in a spiritual reality. I believe in both demons and angels, evil and good. I have simply traded darkness for light. The Lord Jesus Christ has helped me through complete recovery. I have been married now for 18 years. My wife Liz and I live in South Carolina. With God’s help I have earned a M.A. in Pastoral Counseling and have launched Refuge Ministries….

Jesus–Is He God? Or God’s Son?

…to be three gods, but rather three persons in one eternal Godhead. Thus, when we come to the Mark passage, we affirm that Jesus will be seated at the right hand of the Father, even as Psalm 110:1 testified, as Jesus states, and as Peter states (1 Peter 3:22), the writer to Hebrews affirms (Hebrews 12:2). This is not to deny that Jesus is fully the one-true God. Nor do we teach that God is one who simply manifests Himself…

Should Churches Sell Stuff?

Question from a Site Viewer I was wondering if churches that sell books and cds (or whatever) are similar to the synagogues that were selling stuff when Jesus was angered? In other words, should churches sell stuff? Tim’s Answer You ask a good question as to whether churches should be selling books, cds, and other items. Jesus drove the money changers out of the temple stating: “My house shall be called a house of prayer but you have made it…

How Can I Interpret My Dream?

…to find a wise pastor with whom to discuss my dream. I want to know how I can interpret my dream. Tim’s Answer I will tell you my thoughts concerning the dream. Dreams can easily be interpreted by anyone. But most interpretations are simply wrong. In the ancient days the kings would have people who would interpret their dreams for them. But sometimes the kings were wise enough to understand that anyone can come up with an interpretation of a…

Talitha Cumi

…know that these facts go counter to some teachings in some churches. Some see these words as heavenly language endowed with special meaning. Those who are native speakers of Aramaic would laugh at them. It would be akin to someone from England saying that the word “gracias” is a heavenly language because the word is not common to English. But the word is common in Spanish and used every day. Simply because the words “talitha cumi” are not common words…

Does God Want Me Back?

…tell? Tim’s Answer Thank you for your question. When we have sinned and gone away from God, whether for a day or three years, coming back always seems difficult. The warmness and closeness of our faith that we experienced when we first came to Christ seems not to be there. But please understand the heart of God. He did not send Christ to die for us to leave us in our sins. The prophets of the Old Testament consistently called…

My Terrible Sin

…are pretty good and wondering how other people can so mess up their lives. Then, along comes a temptation and we fall hard. We find that we ourselves share a common community with others who sin. These experiences destroy the illusions we build about ourselves and reveal to us the truth that, like all other people, we desperately need God. None of us are worthy of God. We all come seeking mercy from our God. When we realize that we…

Do We Have Prophets and Apostles Today?

Question from a Site Viewer Please explain to me the prophets and apostles we have today. Are some false? How can you tell? Tim’s Answer Thank you for your question concerning apostles and prophets. The word apostle simply means “sent one.” Jesus is called an apostle in Hebrews 3:1. He was sent from God. And in the general sense, we who follow Jesus are also sent ones (John 20:21). However, in the Bible, the word “apostle” is generally used in…