Outline of Proverbs

come to pass in this life, but they all will come to pass. Proverbs contains an interesting statement in 23:11 referencing a Redeemer and in 30:4 referencing the Holy One’s Son. 11. . . for their Redeemer is strong; he will plead their cause against you. 4 Who has ascended to heaven and come down? Who has gathered the wind in his fists? Who has wrapped up the waters in a garment? Who has established all the ends of the…

Greg’s Christian Testimony

…stumbling block for me in believing the Bible because the Bible says that God (not time, chance, mutation and natural selection) is responsible for the universe and for life. I witnessed the miracle of the birth of both of my children. I was stunned by the complexity of the human body and I was starting to see that the theory of evolution was the fairy tale! I began to search for the one who was the Creator of life. My…

Let Go and Let God

…My problems? Am I supposed to be stuck with them forever? I don’t know what my problem is; I don’t even know what to pray for. I’m so confused. I need answers. Tim’s Answer Thank you for your willingness to address this issue. It is always good to have an attitude of openness to consider rebuke, and this includes rebuke from our Bible teachers. Submission and humility are excellent traits for the kingdom servants. But submission and humility do not…

The Ex-Mormon Testimony of Darlington W. Gbee

…an Atheist When I returned home in 2004, I was less active than I was before I left on my mission. Instead, I decided to research the actual teachings and doctrines of Mormonism. I used the Internet in my research and discovered that Mormonism was based on fraud and lies. I was convinced after reading many articles from Mr. Richard Packham’s website (http://www.exmormon.org) often and spent all of my resources printing articles and testimonies from there. During my research, I…

Robert’s Christian Testimony | Out of a Homosexual Lifestyle

…be ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and what is amazing is that Jesus Christ is not ashamed of me! I encourage all believers to be open and honest with their struggles. God resists the proud, but He gives grace to the humble. James 4:6 God bless you as you follow Him. If you need any help or have any questions please let me know at robertcurran@msn.com. Or, you can visit our our website at http://www.rainbowcross.org. Robert Curran  …

Outline of Deuteronomy

…dies in the last chapter, leaving Joshua to succeed him. The book stresses the importance of obeying God. The usage of the words are telling: 88 do–as in “you shall do” or “you shall not do” 40 keep 40 command 33 hear 21 observe 20 hearken 10 obey God has given us what we are to obey: 43 commandments 39 commanded 29 statutes 6 commandment But lest we think that the book is a harsh book of commandments and obedience,…

Outline of Joshua

…noted 21:43-45 All Commands 22:2, 3 22:4 none noted none noted 23:3 All Commands 24:31 none noted The word which we translate as “the LORD” appear 219 times in this book. The phrase “the LORD your God” (with the plural “your”) appears 26 times; “the LORD your God” (with the singular “your”) appears four times. See the sharp contrast with the usage of these two phrases in Deuteronomy where there are 37 plural and 203 singular occurrences of these phrases….

Christian Testimonies

…Jesus saved Connie from the occult and satanic influences. Eddie’s Christian Testimony–Freedom from Lust Freedom from sexual sin and lust is possible through Jesus Christ. Jim’s Christian Testimony–Ex-Mormon and Glad of It! Jim’s an ex-Mormon and glad of it. Praise Jesus! Let’s get some more out-of-cult testimonies! Marjorie’s Testimony of Escape Marjorie’s escape from the false teachings of Christian Science. Robert’s Testimony Robert’s awesome story of freedom from homosexuality, through Jesus Christ. The first of many Christian testimonies to come!…

Our Faith in the Marketplace — Christian Distinctives

…and helper of our infirmity. By Him we look up to the heights of heaven. By Him we behold, as in a glass, His immaculate and most excellent visage. By Him are the eyes of our hearts opened. By Him our foolish and darkened understanding blossoms up anew towards His marvelous light. By Him the Lord has willed that we should taste of immortal knowledge . . . Clement, The First Epistle to the Corinthians (before 100 A.D) (may have…

Joyce Meyer and the Prosperity Gospel

commend her for being open about it. She fully complied with the requests of the United States Senate when they looked into her finances, and her ministry is a member of the evangelical financial monitoring group, something that other questionable ministries have refused to do. According to her site, over 80% of what comes into the ministry goes out through ministries. And the ministry makes its independently audited financial report free for anyone to review through the Internet. The bottom…