Drugged and Delivered

…Jesus Christ Praying that the Lord would change my life My family turned their backs on me My children’s dad he just let me be So I stayed away doing my thing Smoking and drinking every day the same I lost everything that I ever had My life started to look really bad But one day the Lord had mercy on me He answered my prayers and he set me free I’m filled with the Holy Ghost and speaking in…

One and the Other

…that endures past the grave, The other found only anger, And a feeling of being betrayed. One man joined in the mocking, “If you’re God come and set us free!” The other studied His countenance, His poise and His calm dignity. In the midst of the hatred and taunting, Jesus spoke words beyond all belief, “Father please forgive them,” Not in anger but chocking back grief. At the words one man’s heart had melted, The other stayed hardened as stone,…

Freemasonry — Masonic Doctrine vs. Christian Doctrine

…3rd) thus form a perfect an harmonious whole, nor can it be conceived that anything can be suggested more, which the soul of man requires.” (Daniel Sickles, “Ahimon Rezon or Freemason’s Guide.” p. 196) “If we with suitable true devotion maintain our Masonic profession, our faith will become a beam of light an bring us to those blessed mansions where we shall be eternally happy with God, the Great Architect of the Universe.” (Daniel Sickles, “Ahimon Rezon or Freemason’s Guide.”…

Abide In Me

Abide in Me, My precious child Come tell Me what you’ve done Whatever fear that grips you tight By Me, can be undone I will forgive your every sin Through what My Jesus did No matter what the gravity Please let Me lift the lid. Abide in Me, My precious child I’ve washed clean all your grime It’s only you who’s suffering Recalling all your crimes Believe that I have set you free From all the devil holds You are…

Kevin’s Christian Testimony

…study. I felt guilty about not telling my sister the truth–that I was really just playing games on my computer. Playing games and watching stuff on the computer was a way of escaping my life but it only made things worse. I found out that it is an endless cycle that does not satisfy. After you get something you desire something else and the cycle begins again and never stops. When my sister caught me playing instead of studying, I…

Justin’s Journey With Christ

…education qualifications but was offered higher management jobs. I had serious motorbike accidents but God always protected me. I had 2 car accidents. One was serious and and I was not injured. My Father was a Hindu for the past 40-odd years but God spoke to him and he is now in the front line for doing God’s service. I was a alcoholic and by the grace of God, I am now totally free of alcoholism. God has divine plans…


You say you want to serve The Lord You need a ministry Using gifts that you have got To set the captives free Find a role to suit your aims It all goes swimmingly Now you’re leading from the front In perfect harmony. Then finances take a dive You lose your part-time job Trusting in The Lord is key Emotions start to bob devil says you won’t survive You sink into the pit Giving up your ministry Is bound to…

Strange Kind of Love

Strange kind of Love, That would be born in a stable. Strange kind of Love, That would lay in crude cradle. Strange kind of Love, That would come down so humbly. Strange kind of Love, That can make sinners holy. Strange kind of Love, That would lift up the lame. Strange kind of Love, That would bear with the shame. Strange kind of Love, That would walk on the sea. Strange kind of Love, That can, from death, set free….

I Had Sex With Another Man — Will God Forgive Me?

…oneself over to sexual thoughts towards women to whom we are not married. Yet, our sin does not annul the mercy and grace of God. Where our sin abounds, His grace super-abounds (Romans 5:20). Like the prodigal son, there is a path home for each of us and a warm welcome into the arms of a loving Father (Luke 15:11-24). By acknowledging our sin and committing our bodies, thoughts, and lives to please Him, we will find forgiveness and restoration…

Eff’s Christian Testimony

…would be me last, I escaped. I was sent to the emergency room. I had blood coming from my ear, my eye was swollen shut, I had bruised ribs and thighs and a severe concussion. He swore he’d be back to kill me. He instilled a fear in me so great that I couldn’t bear to be anywhere. I couldn’t be home without the blinds closed and the phone in my hand. I broke the camera on my laptop. I…