There Is Only One God — A Brief Examination of the Koran

…up to forty years of his age when the revelation come to him. There were no Jewish community in Makkah. 2- Makkans never allowed any other religion to penetrate their society. 3- We have no report whatsoever to tell that Muhammad used to read or learn before he received the Qur’an. There is nothing to tell that he learned Jewish or Christian Book in his birth place and bear in mind that he was unlettered. 4- He received the Qur’an…

Dewey Dovel’s Christian Testimony

…on my heart to publicly share my story of being redeemed by His Grace and Love, and it is my prayer that through the sharing of my testimony, God’s Love can be witnessed and received by somebody who comes across this text. To all reading this, may The Lord bless you and keep you everyday of your life (Numbers 6:24), and may you come to experience the greatest love this world has ever seen through a relationship with Jesus Christ…

Gill’s Christian Testimony

…time to thank each and every one of you for taking the time to read my testimony, and to help me to continue to keep my promise to God. It is only by God’s grace that I am here now able to type this testimony on my very own computer, at my very own desk, in my very own office in the company that God has blessed me with. Take care and may God’s grace be with you all. Gill…

My Life Before Jesus — Brooke’s Christian Testimony

…the same since. If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. John 8:36 Jesus set me free from lesbianism, witchcraft, drugs, and alcohol. Never to return again. I also am not on medicine anymore for depression. Jesus my Lord has paid the price for my freedom and He has gently and faithfully healed my broken heart. Through His Word and forgiveness, He has enabled me to forgive those who have wounded me. If you forgive…

Do We Have Free Will?

…great deal of debate down through the centuries. Some resolve the debate by insisting that we do not have a “free will.” They argue that our sin taints and subjugates the will so that our will is not free. And I am in sympathy with the view that if “free will” means an untainted will, none of us have free wills. But as used in common parlance, the term “free will” means the ability to make a decision when faced…

Was Satan Made in the Image of God?

…of the questions on a test correctly, that person gets a perfect score. The score is not less than perfect because the person had the possibility of getting some of the questions wrong. Possibility of error does not introduce imperfection; only error introduces imperfection. So it is with the creation. If the creation always chooses to do right, than that creation is perfect, even if the creation had the ability to do wrong. I think we see this in Christ….

Anne’s Christian Testimony

I was a rebellious and stiff-necked girl. God had given me a lot of chances to commit myself to Him but due to my disobedience, I suffered much before I truly surrendered to Him. But His love is unfailing and endures forever. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:9 He has been very patient with me! I hope you will also be patient to read my testimony. I…

Searching Our Hearts

Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves that Jesus Christ is in you – unless indeed you fail the test? II Corinthians 13:5 Paul was probably not asking them if they were Christians, just to examine themselves to see if they were demonstrating that they were in the faith; that Christ was in them because they obeyed His will. To fail the test was to be disobedient…

Kevin Haag’s Christian Testimony

…(06), I created a website,, with the hope of glorifying God by presenting the Gospel in a clear way so that visitors to the site will come to understand who God is and what He has done for them through the death of Jesus on the cross. Also I hope that I can encourage other believers to grow in their faith by providing resources to help with their spiritual growth. In closing, I again thank God for what He…


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