How to Hear God’s Voice

…(2 Peter 3:1-2). The apostle John tells us that those who are of God will listen to the apostles (1 John 4:6). Thus, it is important to hear the words of God in the testimony of the apostles, as related to us in the New Testament. The Old Testament is also very important to us. Jesus tells the people of His day that the Scriptures (referencing the Old Testament Scriptures) testify of Jesus (John 5:39). When we read Scriptures, we…

Talitha Cumi

…“talitha cumi” were connected to “dew,” “fresh,” or “third day.” If you have downloaded the ISBE module on E-Sword, you will see that the words “talitha cumi” are an Aramaic phrase. The phrase consists of two Aramaic words, the first of which is the common word for “little girl” and the second, which is the word meaning “arise.” We have written an article on this. These are not some secret words that are endued with hidden meaning. These are plain,…

Articles on Various Biblical Topics

…questions the validity of this Old Testament prophecy. Did Kings Really Present Gifts to Jesus? Did kings present gifts to Jesus? One of our readers questions the validity of this Old Testament prophecy. Were Children Really Killed in Bethlehem? Were children really killed in Bethlehem? One of our readers questions the validity of this Old Testament prophecy. Was Jesus Really of the Lineage of David? Was Jesus really of the lineage of David? One of our readers questions the validity…

John’s Christian Testimony

…father was committed to Christ although when I was young I did not enjoy it so much. Imagine leaving Satan’s world of dominion for only four days a month to be submerged in the Word of God. It became quite confusing and basically nonsense to me as I grew older. By the time I was thirteen years old I began to sneak out of church and hide until it was over. After my freshman year of high school I decided…

How does God Provide Atonement for Sin?

…his blood for all sins, if in the Old Testament, blood spilled was only for unintentional sins? How did God forgive those in the Old Testament for intentional sins? This person also used Hosea 14:2 as “proof” that prayer was a replacement for sacrifice, and we were saved from sin simply by praying. They used Kings 8:46-50 as the same example. And then for the part on atonement in Leviticus 17:10-12, they said that blood was used to obtain atonement…

Faith vs Election–What Is the Path to Salvation?

…of those who hate Me but shows mercy to those who love Him and keep His commandments (Exodus 20:5-6). Does this not communicate to us that God’s hatred and God’s mercy depend on our attitudes towards Him? In Deuteronomy 30:11-20, we have a very significant passage, because Paul quotes this in Romans 10 as being the righteousness which comes from faith (Romans 10:6-8) in contrast to the righteousness which comes from the works of the law. If Paul sees Deuteronomy…

Journey to Life

…the need of revival among Brahmin community. An Ad hoc committee was formed and I was in that committee. I motivated and took leadership of surveying Palayamkottai for Brahmin families and conducted a poll for new office holders and renewed that Association. My father became an executive member. I studied Bagavat Gita with the commentary of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. I argued with the principal and others of CMS girls’ hostel of my locality to prove Bhagavat Gita and Bible are…

Winning the Battle Against Internet Porn

…mind. The more we think about the subject in impure ways, the more those impure thoughts control us. Winning the battle will be difficult. But you can win the battle, and I can tell you how. But I will also tell you that most people are too lazy to fight to win. We fail to discipline our minds and because we do not gird up the loins of our minds (1 Peter 1:13), we lose repeatedly. The way to win

Hell and Near-Death Experiences

…point of death and describe seeing heaven have valid experiences, so those who come near the point of death and describe seeing hell have valid experiences. But I simply note that those who actually have seen heaven have told us very little about it. Jesus came from heaven and yet He provides us no detailed description of the place. Paul was taken to heaven in what He describes as an incredible revelation of God and yet he says nothing about…


…the Spirit because He would not be at work in your life. The Spirit of God is not a tormentor. You do not find the Spirit taking on this role in Scripture. Rather, He is the Spirit of comfort and conviction who brings us to Christ. If truly you had committed the unpardonable sin, the Spirit would have no reason to be interacting with you any longer. This was the plea of David in Psalm 51:11, for God not to…