How Is Your Performance?

…evening. (Oh, and don’t forget the men’s or women’s Bible study!) Read your Bible every day without fail. Pray throughout the day, using your prayer list. Also, pray with your family. If the Church needs a volunteer for any kind of help, you’re there. There are conferences, retreats, etc. throughout the year to attend. Visit fellow Church members regularly. Keep up with all the latest Christian reading. All these activities, in and of themselves, are certainly good to involve yourself…

Outline of 1 John

…of the second century. Apparently this epistle, together with second and third John, was written in the later part of the first century while John was in Ephesus. They may have been written to the churches in Asia Minor, over which John apparently took oversight. The book is essentially a lesson on distinguishing true Christians from those who were not Christians. There are at least 14 tests. They can be used as a self-evaluation test. They also can be used…

Outline of Revelation

…1/3rd of sea destroyed 1/3rd of fresh water destroyed 1/3rd of day destroyed The three woes 9-11 Tormenting locusts for 5 months 9:1-12 Destroying army kills 1/3rd of men 9:13-21 Seven thunders 10:1-7 Little book 10:8-11 Two witnesses 11:1-14 The announcement in heaven 11:15-19 END OF TRIBULATION Related Events 12-14 The Coming of Satan 12 Satan’s loss of the manchild 12:1-6 Satan’s loss of heaven 12:7-12 Satan’s rage on the earth 12:13-17 The Coming of the Antichrist 13:1-10 The Coming…

Recommended Reading

…The Cross and the Switchblade by David Wilkerson Prayer E.M. Bounds on Prayer The Path of Prayer, The Way to Pentecost by Samuel Chadwick Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire; Breakthrough Prayer; and others by Jim and Carol Cymbala Lord, Teach Us to Pray by Alexander Whyte Women Calm My Anxious Heart by Linda Dillow Let Me Be a Woman by Elisabeth Elliot (a firm favorite) Stepping Heavenward by Elizabeth Prentiss Classics Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan The Fisherman’s Lady, The Marquis’ Secret and others by George MacDonald Christy by Catherine Marshall…

The Ex-Mormon Testimony of Darlington W. Gbee

…an Atheist When I returned home in 2004, I was less active than I was before I left on my mission. Instead, I decided to research the actual teachings and doctrines of Mormonism. I used the Internet in my research and discovered that Mormonism was based on fraud and lies. I was convinced after reading many articles from Mr. Richard Packham’s website ( often and spent all of my resources printing articles and testimonies from there. During my research, I…

When Death Marches Through the Land

…up,” they say. One of several Death took that day. “Hello Death, have you lost your sting?” The words detonated in Death’s soul. As the bell began to toll. The Voice continued: “I have come to set My people free.” Rage replaced surprise, out came the scythe, With a stroke, strong and sure, Death dispatched Life. “Is there no serum in your sting?” The Voice returned with strength. Death was shaken to its core, Never had his weapon failed, before…

Freed From Cigarette Addiction

…then that it was not by willpower but by the power of God that I had been set free! Recently, he attended one of the annual marketplace meetings we organize. After the meeting, he asked for a Bible to read. In our marketplace ministry, we give out about 100 Bibles free of charge every 3 to 4 months. To God be all the glory! You too can be freed from cigarette addiction. Click here to read more awesome Christian testimonies….

Who Is God?

valid conclusion, that God started the universe, the universe reveals at least something about God. When I see the size and scope of the universe, I understand a little about the majesty and power of God. But this is like seeing a computer and discerning that somebody must exist who knows a lot more about electronics than I know. There is someone far more powerful than me who exists. I know this from looking at the universe. But I still…

In the Midst – Kristi’s Christian Testimony

…any damage to the right side of her head where she landed onto the concrete. We concluded she was pushing the push broom and backed off the edge in between the studs of the wall, which were twelve inches apart. We contacted family and friends, to begin the prayer chain. During her tests, we saw blood coming from the Ericka’s right nostril . . . causing us to panic again. Minutes seemed like hours, hours like days as they completed…

How Can I Avoid Sexual Sin?

…then we will find it quite natural to say with Joseph: “How can I do this great wickedness and sin against God?” If sexual pleasure is our great love, then we will not win in our efforts to suppress it. I am not saying that the flesh will cease desiring sexual pleasure. What I am saying is that when Christ is our greatest desire, sexual desires lose their ability to control us. We are, after all, more than mere animals…