Masturbation Makes Me Feel Guilty

…pursue sexual sin that leads to bondage, despair, and death; or we can pursue Christ who leads to freedom, hope, and life. Every moment of every day we have that choice. If we think about masturbation, we will masturbate. If we think about Christ, we will pursue Him. One can never win the battle by entertaining thoughts of sin in one’s mind and trying to hold the line on the outward action. One wins the battle by winning the battle…

Remarriage After Divorce — Is it Adultery?

…2:16). Paul also says not to get divorced (1 Corinthians 7:10-11). I also read that if a couple does get divorced for anything other than unfaithfulness and then either the husband or wife remarries, they are committing adultery in the new marriage (Matthew 19:9, Matthew 5:32, Mark 10:11-12). My question to Tim is this: if a Christian couple gets divorced for any reason other than unfaithfulness, and then either or both remarry, are they committing adultery? If they are committing…

Robert’s Christian Testimony | Out of a Homosexual Lifestyle

…be ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and what is amazing is that Jesus Christ is not ashamed of me! I encourage all believers to be open and honest with their struggles. God resists the proud, but He gives grace to the humble. James 4:6 God bless you as you follow Him. If you need any help or have any questions please let me know at Or, you can visit our our website at Robert Curran  …

Jesus Has Left Me; I Have No Hope

…all my counsel     and would have none of my reproof, 26 I also will laugh at your calamity;     I will mock when terror strikes you, 27 when terror strikes you like a storm     and your calamity comes like a whirlwind,     when distress and anguish come upon you. 28 Then they will call upon me, but I will not answer;     they will seek me diligently but will not find me. Proverbs 1: 24-28 (ESV) I became uneasy and silently prayed for a scripture to read. I heard Hebrews…

Kinsta Review – Top-Tier WordPress Website Hosting

complex plugins to configure) GCP’s premium tier network (speed, security) Google’s C2 VMs (Google’s finest machines) 28 data centers worldwide enterprise-level CDN (Cloudflare) for all plans (speed, security) scalable plans based on website needs APM tool (helps you locate performance bottlenecks) free local development tool free staging site (develop your site before publishing) daily automated backups free basic migrations from all hosting providers security guarantee free website monitoring free DDoS protection 99.9% SLA-backed uptime guarantee kinsta vs other Hosts comparison…

I Have No Remorse for My Sin

…by faith keep pursuing Christ, you will find your life enriched beyond compare. You will make your life into a vessel fit for the King, a holy temple for the Holy Spirit to inhabit. This is the goal. You may fall. But immediately turn back to Christ if you do. As you begin to lengthen the times you are walking with God and shorten the times you are walking in sin, you will find that the conviction of your conscience…

Steve’s Christian Testimony

…will continue to lead me, but I will continue to follow Him and trust in Him for the rest of my life. Thank you for taking the time to read my testimony. If you would like to read a truly inspiring testimony, click here — It inspired me so much, I decided to create my own. May the Lord bless you always! Steve Christie, RN “I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not…

Mary’s Christian Testimony

…that Lord Jesus reveals his love and truth to you. He wants you to know him and his truth and be blessed. Understand I am in no way condemning anyone. I am in no way judging anyone. I am speaking the truth as Lord Jesus has shown me for I was deceived as well. I would walk into a church and say, “Poor things, they just don’t know the truth!” Well, man, did Lord Jesus straighten that thought out!…

Marjorie’s Christian Testimony

…a local community college. After classes I worked part time behind the service desk at the YWCA, and this is where I met my future husband. He attended the Christian Science Church with me before we were married. He had been raised in the Methodist Church, so the teachings of Christian Science were very foreign to him. My father wanted me to graduate from college, but I dropped out after completing one year and ended up getting married instead. During…

Rock Solid Atheist for 52 Years Accepts Jesus

…I didn’t believe in anything there and felt like a hypocrite. It was a waste of my time; Sundays were for fishing and hunting as far as I was concerned. Toward the end of the service, I was thinking about which of my fishing reels needed fresh line on them when the pastor said, “Give your cowgirl the greatest gift she’ll never forget and give your life to Jesus Christ!” (We were at a cowboy church.) As swiftly as being…