Outline of Galatians

free. Galatians 4:31 IV. Life in the Spirit 5:1-6:10 To seek righteousness by doing the law is a departure from grace 5:1-6 You have become estranged from Christ, you who attempt to be justified by law; you have fallen from grace. Galatians 5:4 We are called to liberty 5:7-15 Included in the offense of the cross is its freedom — vs.11 Don’t use freedom from law as an opportunity to please the flesh, but as liberty to love — vs….

Watching Porn — How Do I Stop?

…to overcome the addiction is to turn fully to follow Jesus. It is our choice. We can choose to live a life desiring to see the latest sex fantasy and end up spiritually bankrupt at the end of our lives. Or, we can choose to begin the process of reforming our minds by choosing to desire Jesus Christ. If we want to follow Jesus, if we want to be part of His great kingdom, if we truly desire to be…

Shawn’s Christian Testimony

…front of my eyes – one vision after another – they just kept coming. First, the vision and then the memory of it followed. They kept coming and coming for what seemed like an eternity and there were so many of them. At first, I was at awe by it but soon afterward it freaked me out. It was very disheartening and emotionally overwhelming to see these memories replaying in my mind and I had no control over them. It…

George’s Christian Testimony

…the Salt Mine and now have become a recovery counselor. I have found that what I have been through is now a blessing to others in their struggle to be free. Blessings? God gave me a clean and sober Christian wife, a home, a job and a loving church family. And I still have that dog. God was calling me back and I ran. What’s it going to take for you? May God Bless You, George B. Layton [email protected] Thesaltminelincoln.com

There’s Grace at the Cross — 2 Corinthians 8:1-14

…love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth” (1 John 3:18). Paul here says the same thing. In verse 8, he states that he is not commanding that anyone give. Giving is not something that should be commanded. It was commanded under law. It should be a free act under grace. Paul was not commanding, but he was testing. See also verse 24 (“the proof of your love”). The old adage is true. You can most…

When the Praises Go Up, the Blessings do not Necessarily Come Down

Question from a Site Viewer I have heard many times and even in songs that when the praises go up the blessings come down. It sounds good, but where is the scripture reference or is it inferred through scripture? I would really like to know. Do we really receive blessings because we praise God? Tim’s Answer God desires our praises and both encourages and commands us to praise Him. The word “hallelujah” is a command meaning “praise the LORD.” Further,…

I Sinned Deliberately Again! Has God Abandoned Me?

…(2 Chronicles 36:15-16), and even then He promised to go with them into captivity (Ezekiel 11:16). God still has His arms open to welcome each of us back. His heart is mercy and He extends His mercy freely to those who turn to Him. What you describe, thus, is not God abandoning you. Rather, what you describe is you abandoning God. Your feelings are common among those who turn away from the true living water and seek satisfaction in the…

Double Predestination

…none would seek after God. Therefore we need some inward awakening by the Holy Spirit before we would ever seek God. I do not want for a moment to state that God is not active in calling and convicting and bringing us to Himself. But I do not read Romans 3 as stating that people need more of God’s intervention than the coming of Christ in order to seek after Him. I note that Paul is quoting the Old Testament…

Eddie’s Christian Testimony

…to stop it immediately, by the grace of God. I got saved at age 21. Six years later, I married my best friend. Having kept myself pure for so long, I was able to come into a marriage relationship without the excess baggage that comes with being in one sexual relationship after another. I praise Jesus for setting me free!!!! God can do anything, he can change your life, no matter what you’ve done. JESUS CHRIST IS LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Eddie Roman…

I Cannot Know

…the test, the words that you see. If false, you have gained a delightful discovery Of fiction and facts, of hormones and history. You’ve lost nothing at all by putting to test The words of this book. In peace you may rest. But if true, God speaks to us all. If true, we must obey His great call. If true, there’s a hell for His foe And for each one who claims, “I cannot know.” “I cannot know” is contrary…