The Truth About the Da Vinci Code

(compare Acts 19 with 1 Corinthians 16:8). 54 A.D. 2 Corinthians Written while Paul is on his way to Corinth near the end of the 3rd missionary journey (compare 2 Cor. 2:13; 7:5; and 9:1-4). 54 A.D. Romans Written from Corinth (compare Acts 20:1-3 with Romans 15:25-26, 1 Cor. 16:6 and 2 Corinthians 9:1-5). 54 A.D. Arrest of Paul in Jerusalem 54-56 A.D. Paul’s imprisonment in Ceasarea (Acts 24:27) 57-59 A.D. Paul’s imprisonment in Rome (Acts 28:30) 57-59? A.D. Ephesians,…

Hard Drive

Imagine yourself as a hard drive No longer unfettered and pure Despite our security package We’re riddled with malware for sure By surfing the sites that are dodgy We’ve picked up a cookie or two That orchestrates fear and confusion And keeps us averted from You. We obviously need to reformat To get a new system in place The latest edition of Windows That’s full of His unending grace His firewall will keep out invaders All viruses, spyware and spam…

Tithes and Offerings–Why Should I Give?

…that are not necessities. I am not saying that these things, in and of themselves, are bad. And perhaps at times there is a need for some of these things. But we tend to excuse our indulgences and use our resources on them and then state that we have no funds to help others, or help to further the kingdom. Nor are children necessarily deprived because they do not have television or the latest gadgets or clothes that their friends…

Mary’s Christian Testimony

…them and it will come back to them in God’s time–not in your time. God knows and hears all your prayers and your tears; he is just waiting until the right time to go to your loved one’s soul and knock on the door and say, “Come home my child, come home. All is forgiven.” Since this was written I have discovered God is really real and his love is enduring and neverending. I am beginning to love myself and…

Scot’s Christian Testimony–Freedom From Drugs

…street just four years earlier I think you can understand the truth of this scripture: If the Son sets you free – you are free indeed.” John 8:36 Amen. Glory to God. If you are reading this and you or someone you know has a similar problem . . . cry out to Jesus. God does not have favorites (Romans 2:11). What He has done for me He can do for you or for those that you love. If you…

Tamara’s Christian Testimony

I want to share an abbreviated testimony for what it is worth. Probably, people who are still out there involved in the “new age” movement will not be poking around these kinds of sites, but then again, you never can tell what the Lord will do! I was raised a Christian in a mainstream Protestant denomination. I will not mention it, because I do not want to cast any aspersions on that denomination, but I never really found a life-changing…

Reverend David’s Christian Testimony

…was David—that wasn’t the worst—your brain smashed against the inside of your skull, putting you in a thirteen-month coma. Sweetie, you have been out for more than a year.” Demonic depression Could she be right? Could I have been in a thirteen month coma? I must have been. Why should she lie? “After you were hit you were taken by Life Flight into the hospital, where you spent the first twelve weeks in intensive care. Then, after you were stable…

Norm Rasmussen’s Christian Testimony

…fact, conflict actually increased (due to demonic attacks constantly coming against them, which I’ve come to realize is quite typical). Even so, their lives had become centered on helping others grow in their relationship with God, instead of being self-consumed with pain, bitterness and confusion like mine was. So near age 35 (around 1980), I was a wreck. I was facing death by essentially my own choosing, and I wasn’t convinced in my heart that I would go to heaven…

Is It OK For Christians to Drink Alcohol?

…simply saying no. This is especially true for those in leadership positions and those who have a family history of addictive behavior. It seems that alcoholism runs in the genetics of certain families. We have written a bit more on this topic if you’d like to check it out. Also, if you use our search feature, you can find even more. Search for: Search I continue to pray that God will use you as an effective ambassador for Him. tim…

An Anonymous Christian Testimony

…it with GOD’s help). Anyways, that went on for a while, but one day I was called into the nurse on sick call. She told me that the blood test I took when I first got there came back and that I had Hepatitis C which cannot be cured. Well I was really shocked at first, then really depressed, but eventually I figured GOD had a plan. Well, after a good while, and a lot of work helping others come…