I Feel Hopeless – Can I Still Return to God?

…warmth we feel when we have deliberately violated His laws and now want to return. The warmth comes from a consistent movement towards God. Jesus speaks of not trusting certain ones who believed in Him because He knew their hearts (John 2:23-24). While we are restored to fellowship when we return, God often will test us to reveal our true desires. So, I am not at all surprised to read the account of your life. It is exactly what I…

The Dusty Old Book

…them to a better place Where they will see Him face to Face; Then comes the dreaded Judgment Day Of those who lost the Only Way. The Book teaches all this, and more; What is, will be and came before. Don’t do what I did; it was wrong Please read your Bible; don’t wait long – The message of God’s Word’s profound: Search for Him while He may be found. A Christian poem by:  Belinda van Rensburg ©2010 — www.kevinvr.org/belindaspoetry/…

Baptism Saves — Does the Bible Teach This?

…before salvation. Jesus placing baptism before salvation, then, is congruous with the teaching throughout the New Testament. Again, it seems as if the act of baptism saves. Tim’s Answer I do not know what Bible commentary you are quoting, but I assume that it must be from a person who believes that baptism saves. Simply because a book is called a Bible commentary does not make it more trustworthy. The Pharisees in Christ’s day had Bible commentaries and Christ Jesus…

Sendrine’s Christian Testimony

I was born in 1986. My name is Sendrine Mukandi. Here is my Christian testimony. As a young girl I was always hungry for the Word. My whole life is a living testimony, but I will share one important story that stands out from the rest. Toward the end of November 2008, I was stabbed several times on my left shoulder (just below the shoulder) in front of the apartment where I lived. I had just left my flat with

The Best Way to Study the Bible

…learn with some tentativeness and humility until we have a chance to search the rest of Scripture to ensure that our new understanding is consistent with the whole of Scripture. This does not mean that the lessons we learn may not bless us immediately, but all lessons from Scripture need to be open to correction from Scripture. These five points I believe form the foundation for studying the Bible. Without them, we are not likely to hear much from the…

My Life & Redemption

…huge sum of compensation. I decided to join a group of Christians in Thimphu for the compensation with the fear that this deity (Christ) might also follow me. No risk no gain, I thought as I started to find churches and Christian groups. I found one with much difficulty. I discovered months later that there was no financial compensation for one who came to believe in Jesus Christ. Disheartened and worried, I was trying and trying to find other ways…

Willie’s Christian Testimony

…After that, I called my mother and told her what I did. She told me that she already knew. When I ask her how she already knew she said, “Every time you hang up someone calls and tells me, ‘Your son just gave his life to Jesus.’” Dr. Bill Winston of the Living World Christian Center in Forest Park, Illinois can be contacted as a reference in support of this testimony. Willie Smith can be reached via e-mail at tami2353@yahoo.com….

Jeremiah 17:9–Is the Heart Desperately Wicked?

…It is evil and corrupt. That is how this verse is usually read. If the heart is so wicked, then what is the purpose and role of verse 10? That is, why would God be searching the heart? In 2 Chronicles 16:9, the seer Hanani tells Asa that the eyes of the LORD are searching for those “whose heart is loyal to Him” to be their strong supporter. What role does a searching God have if all hearts are desperately…

Understanding Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit

…Jesus came to offer. This individual rejects salvation even after being shown the truth multiple times. This individual even rejects the truth when it is shown to them exactly how they want it shown to them! They may say they’ll believe if they win the lottery, but even if the they win, they won’t believe. The person chooses this path until they die. What else could God do? This person has decided that they will never believe, no matter what…

Christian Living

…no longer feel God’s conviction and it’s scaring me. Winning the Battle Against Internet Porn If you want to win the battle, I can tell you how. But I will also tell you that most people are too lazy to fight to win. We fail to discipline our minds and because we do not gird up the loins of our minds (1 Peter 1:13), we lose repeatedly. Masturbation Makes Me Feel Guilty I feel really guilty when I masturbate. I…