Overcoming Sin

…thoughts as an excuse to talk to God about other matters. If a sin thought comes in and I fall for it, I have learned that Christ does not then want me to wallow in my sin for a while. Rather, He calls us to come back immediately to Him. So, when I sin, I like to immediately confess and seek His fellowship. He is faithful to forgive, even when we do not feel like we are worthy (which we…

Kevin’s Christian Testimony

I felt depressed during my freshman year of High School. I couldn’t concentrate, I had low test scores, I was just wandering through life–not having a purpose or an identity. I thought that if I could find my purpose in this life I would be motivated and then I could truly begin to live. My sister thought I could use some help from the Sylvan Learning Center to improve my writing and essay skills. I went, but I didn’t really…

Are There Many Paths to Heaven?

…be true? Who has the authority to say that it is true or not? This is not a proposition that scientists can test. Only someone who has been in heaven and come to this earth could give us the answer. Second, for Christians, the many ways to the top of the mountain analogy contradicts the words of the sacred Scripture and of Jesus Himself. Jesus, when asked whether there would only be a few people who would be saved, said,…

My Brother the King

…of grace. The story does not end with the close of the book. It continues today wherever we look. The line of the kings is seen in this world; His face in his people, his banner unfurled. To me he extended his hand one day “Come, be my brother, O child of clay. “Come close to me. Come feel my heart. “Come walk with me, and never depart.” I reached out my hand, and fell in his arms, So warm…

Is God Finished With Me?

…8. Those who live by striving to do what is right will always find failure. We cannot love God by keeping the commandments, whether they be Old Testament commandments or New Testament ones. This is the teaching of Galatians 3-5. But we can keep His commandments by loving Him. Love must always come first. If we love Him, then everything else will fall into place. Thus, our effort must be geared towards loving God. And love comes naturally to those…

Finally Free! Kathleen’s Christian Testimony

…who made you. (See John 1: 1- 14 for Scripture reference). Thank you and God bless you for letting me share my heart with you. If this has touched you in any way, please don’t go on in life without searching for answers to your questions. My questions brought me to see and realize that only Jesus Christ is the answer to all of my needs. I never knew I could be so free within myself, and it’s all because…

God’s Amazing Grace – The Miraculous Story of Stephen Bennett

…dignity to a life based upon a perverse, sensual and decrepit lifestyle I couldn’t break free from. It was at this point many of my friends and one night encounters were getting “sick” and dying, and no one knew why. This sickness was the beginning of the Aids epidemic. Things only grew worse and for a period of 6 years I declined morally, mentally and physically. It was in the winter of 1987 after a 3 day cocaine and alcohol…

You, God, and Your Auspicious Vocabulary

…Unfortunately this means a lot is coming out of the heart, over the tongue, and through the lips without thought, without review, and without any filters. We verbally unload a lot without thinking through what we are unloading. Be this as it may, the big question is, does God care how we speak? He knows our sinfulness and brokenness, even in our ability to communicate. How broken is your ability to communicate? Line up all the sinful grievances in the…

Determining a False Teacher

…will win and everyone will be saved because it would be cruel for a loving God to punish souls in everlasting punishment without end. Franklin Graham had a great rebuttal. He said that it is cruel for us to reject a God who died a gruesome death on the cross for our sins. Scores of notable Christian figures have actively come against Rob Bell and his distortion of truth (Francis Chan, David Platt, Mark Driscoll, John Piper, Franklin Graham, etc.)….

Transubstantiation — What Does Scripture Say?

Question from a Site Viewer I come from a background of being raised within the Church of God (not pentecostal) holiness movement. They consider themselves not another denomination but just a representative of the “Church of God” as mentioned throughout the New Testament. My supervisor at work is Roman Catholic and she is as zealous for her version of Christianity as I am of mine. It’s not often that I have found people in my lifetime who love to search