Strong in You, Lord

…my best. Left to myself I’ll surely fail For I am very weak and frail; In You alone can I be strong And not do those things which are wrong. Here I stand strengthened by You, Assured that You will help me through Whatever trials may come my way. I know with me my Lord will stay; You are my Rock, Deliverer, Friend; My Hope and Strength until the end. A Christian poem by:  Belinda van Rensburg ©2010 —…

Marijuana in Scripture

…constituted “cannabinos” is the only direct evidence we have of what the word actually meant in ancient Hebrew. Dr. Benet’s later reconstructions of possible etymological sources is a weak reed compared to the compelling direct testimony of the contemporary meaning supplied by Jewish scholars at a time when the oil was still being made and by people drawn from the tribes of Israel , appointed by the high priest of Israel, who had every reason to know what the Hebrew…

My Husband Drinks

…of Christ in our lives through prayer and seeking to walk in the power of the Word. Memorization of Scripture is a great tool for transforming the mind. Purity means that we do not fantasize about having someone else for a spouse, but we keep our minds and our bodies only for our spouses. Purity also means that we keep ourselves free from sin; and if we sin, we repent and come immediately back to Christ. We all stumble in…

Addicted to Pornography — Please Help!

…. . a repeated failure really builds in me an emotional impact . . . but, always in between these things, I still feel GOD’s help . . . I am sure that HE will make me free from pornography before taking my soul . . . let me know if there’s anything you can tell me that will help me in this regard. Tim’s Answer Thanks for your email. And thanks for being honest with respect to your struggle…

Human Cloning or Stem Cell Research — Is it Wrong?

Question from a Site Viewer I am from Brazil. What do you say about human cloning and stem cell research? Please see I Samuel 2:6 and Acts 17:25. Is there some prophecy about how the science would get so developed? Tim’s Answer I am opposed to the cloning of human life or to embryonic stem cell research. The reason I oppose the cloning of human life and embryonic stem cell research is because it appears to be contrary to the…

What Law is Paul Talking About?

…sinned in the law, would be the Jews (verses 17-24). The law that the Jews had and the Gentiles did not have was the law of Moses. Accordingly, I believe that Paul had in mind the law of Moses when he makes the statement found in verse 13. I think it is the law that is in context throughout this passage. This would include the 10 commandments as well as the rest of the commandments for the people of Israel…

John 1:1 — “God” or “a god”?

…In the sentence “He is God,” “He” is the subject because it comes before the verb. “God” is the predicate because it comes after the verb. In Greek, however, word order does not carry the same significance. In Greek, the subject may come first, second, third, or any other place in the sentence. Often, the verb comes first. Sometimes the verb comes last. The word order is used to show emphasis. It does not determine the subject. In the sentence…

Should We Pray to the Father or Jesus?

…them rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in Him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ – the righteousness that comes from God and is by faith. I want to know Christ and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in His sufferings, becoming like Him in his death, and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead. Philippians…

Was Jesus Really of the Lineage of David?

…any of the 10 commandments. If He was the God He claimed to be and who the Son was prophesied to be, then accepting worship is no problem. You seem not to understand what Christians believe. Christians do not believe that Jesus is another God. Christians only confess that which the Old Testament confesses, that there is a complexity within the one God manifested in three persons. See Isaiah 48:16; Genesis 18:2-13, 17-22; 19:24. There are three persons who come…

Christians Should Be Baptized

…position rightly that we believe that baptism is part of our obedience to God. I have never understood how any teacher can read the Bible and come away with a view that baptism is not necessary at all. The command of Jesus was for us to go into all the world and make disciples, baptizing them in the triune name of our God (Matthew 28:19). Is this command no longer valid? Can we be followers of Christ and not obey…