Jeremiah 17:9 – Further Commentary

form. In its noun form, BDB never gives any meaning to the word that comes close to the idea of deceit. In its verb form of the same root word, BDB gives the meaning of “to assail insidiously, circumvent, overreach.” The only place the BDB gives any form of this word as perhaps meaning “deceitful” is in the Jeremiah 17:9 passage. BDB is not infallible, and it seems to me to be valid to ask the question, why only in…

Severe Traumatic Brain Injury – Michael’s Christian Testimony

…told them that I have trouble eating and talking because I stopped breathing in my accident (August 22, 1998). I told them my testimony and I also mentioned about my app to add speech to my testimony because I cannot multitask (reading, remembering and speaking all at the same time). They asked me to say my testimony at their church. I am going to do my testimony at my church first and then I am going to go church to…

Sawyer’s Trials – Todd & Lynn’s Journey to Faith

…To prepare us for the transition they put us in a room to spend the night with him. So in case anything happened we would have the nurses at our disposal. This is when the worrying started for me. I always had the comfort of the doctors and nurses; now it was going to be on us. In order for him to come home he also had to pass the car-seat test. Being so weak and wobbly he could be…

Tracey’s Christian Testimony

…twice and it was negative both times. I was thinking to myself, “Well, I don’t have to get tested because he is negative”, but I knew that wasn’t true. Just because the other person is negative doesn’t mean you are, so after two and half years it was eating me up so bad, I decided to get tested for HIV. I went to my boyfriend that night and told him I took a test for HIV and the results would…

The Way Back to God

…really want to come back to God, He will put you to the test to see if this is really what you want. There is no righteous person whom God does not test (Psalm 11:5). Even Jesus was tested. So, be prepared to pursue God no matter what comes. If you do, you will come out of the testing with the richest blessings of heaven (1 Peter 5:10). May your desire for Jesus become the consuming passion of your life….

Should I Hate My Parents? Is That What the Bible Says?

Should I hate my parents? Really? That seems a little . . . unjust? I read one of your articles, and it said, 26“If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple. 27 Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple. 28 For which of you, desiring to build…

Debbie’s Christian Testimony of Deliverance

I am a believer, who struggles with past abuse issues and many new changes. I started coming to Celebrate Recovery in the fall of 2008. It’s been a great help to me so far. The people are very caring, accepting, and non-judgmental. I haven’t worked on the 12-step program yet. So, I don’t have that testimony to give. But I’d like to share my testimony up to this point. I grew up going to church as far back as I…

James Hogancamp Personal Christian Testimony

…a liar and the father of all lies. Jesus is our Savior. Seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened. James Edwin Hogancamp 109079 MCCF 833 West St C-1-35 Holly Springs, MS 38635-1412 email: Brother James is serving a life sentence in Holly Springs, MS. He has a call of God on his life to preach and to teach Bible studies to the other inmates and he prays that his testimony might help others. God Bless….

Jikky’s Christian Testimony

…many questions. How come this had come again on us? We were supposed to go on with our normal happy comfortable lives. It just wasn’t fair. Not for my mother to go through this again. As we faced this looming darkness building up before us, we were shattered into a thousand little pieces with our uncertainties. It was as if we faced death itself. It started with an unsuspecting pneumonia, which was treated. This was followed by cough and then…

Greg’s Christian Testimony

…stumbling block for me in believing the Bible because the Bible says that God (not time, chance, mutation and natural selection) is responsible for the universe and for life. I witnessed the miracle of the birth of both of my children. I was stunned by the complexity of the human body and I was starting to see that the theory of evolution was the fairy tale! I began to search for the one who was the Creator of life. My…