The River

In the paradise of harmony by the river of delights I sat down and wept when I remembered each moment of self-satisfaction until the king himself embraced and clothed me with the fragrance of the dawn the perfume of grace the scent of mercy there I buried my senses and the past in the fresh bouquet of hope renewed A Christian poem by:  Michael Sawh…

The Christmas Story

…journey To see this One come nigh. The reigning king did hate Him. The priests didn’t like the fuss. Rachel’s womb was weeping; The sword, cruelty’s thrust. Another sword reached deeper; The nails drove through the flesh. The thrones were set to mock the crown. The grave clothes were spiced fresh. But the story was not over. As if a second birth, The angels announced with gladness His rising from the earth. And the story still continues. He sits in…

Is Drinking Alcohol a Sin?

…to be given too much wine (1 Timothy 3:8). The difference seems to be stating that as one takes on more responsibility in the church, the drinking of wine should diminish. And meat and wine are the two matters Paul uses as an example of something to give up if it causes a brother to stumble (Romans 14:21). I also note that there is no command to drink and lots of warnings about the enticements of wine and strong drinks….

Prayer, As An Expression of Our Faith In God

…“call.” In Genesis 3:9, God called to Adam. The concept of calling is not much different from what we do today. When I say, “I will call you,” I am expressing my plan to contact you verbally. It may be by telephone, or it may be by opening the door and calling you for dinner, but in any case it involves communication. That is prayer. It is communication with God. But it is more than simply any communication. It is…

Whoever Calls On the Name of the Lord Shall Be Saved!

…thrilled and agreed to come to church. I was baptized in Jesus’ name in the river and later I was baptized in fire and the Holy Ghost. I spoke and magnified God with a new tongue. God is still working on me. Every day is fresh and new and I am excited about what God is going to do next. There is nothing and I mean nothing that God can’t forgive. Only speaking against the Holy Spirit is what the…

The Book of Ezekiel, Part 3

…hope for us. Even in the face devastating sin and rebellion, God promises to transform and restore His people. And the same is true for every follower of Jesus. God is working to transform us, and He has promised a complete restoration. We have much to look forward to. Humanity’s rebellion will come to an end. God will fully dwell with us. We can live now with joy, knowing that God’s victory is sure. The best is yet to come!…

Can a Christian Fall Away & Return to God?

…of following Christ. And though it may take some time to reform your mind to get rid of the things you have placed in there, through memorization of the Word, prayer, and focus, you can win that battle and look back with thanksgiving and gratitude to God for a mind, heart, and life that feels clean and pure. May the Lord Jesus be the brother besides you, the companion within you, and the joy before you. a fellow pilgrim, tim…

What Christmas Means to Me

…the sky. Its brightness was subtle, but clear to the eye. I called to my wife, I called to my friends: “You must come and see; the ancient search ends. A star has appeared, His star in the night. It is up there, a great glorious light.” At the same time, I heard a great shout. My wife saw it too, and ended her doubt. My friends gathered ’round. We let it be known That a King had appeared; a…

The Christian Testimony of Duane Washam–Former Worshipful Master

…was Jesus Christ! In the latter part of December, 1983, immediately after my term of office had come to an end, my Lord and Savior began to reveal to me the truth about Him and the truth about the lodge. He began to show me that by following the teachings of Freemasonry, instead of becoming stronger in my Christian faith and closer to Him, I was following false teachings of an organization where something called the Great Architect of the…

Bryan’s Christian Testimony

…do were discussed with his physicians. It was decided to remove the life support that had been keeping him alive and to administer morphine in order to make him comfortable and pain free. The nurse asked if any of us would like to spend some time with Donnie before they began the morphine drip. He was already in a non-responsive state and just staring at the ceiling. We weren’t sure if he could hear us. I told everyone that I…