Women in Ministry

…and teach in the church. The argument is flawed. Experience must always be tested by Scripture. Our subjective understanding of possessing a certain gift cannot substitute for the objective Word of God. If someone prophesies, we do not accept such activity as being from God until it is first put to the test (1 Thessalonians 5:20-21). Every gift must be tested by the Word of God. Scripture provides the only rule for faith and practice. 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 The passage…

Beth’s Christian Testimony

…doesn’t leave his own children to suffer alone. And He promise rewards for our perseverance. That is a promise you can rely on. So please don’t despair. Have HOPE and PEACE. My prayer for you My dear Heavenly Father, please comfort your child who is suffering today. Without your love God, we could not survive such painful suffering. Please teach us how to come to you in complete surrender. Only through a complete surrender Lord that we will have your

Saved By Jesus From Dismal Loneliness and Fear

…would come through for me. Nonetheless, although I looked like a scholarly and decent young man, I continued to have an inordinate and adolescent concern about whether or not my appearance was acceptable and attractive. However, my father died when I was twenty-one, and I felt I no longer had someone to support me with my wife-search problem. Fast forward now through almost two decades of heavy drinking, failed relationships, setbacks in my academic career aspirations, more than ten years…


Readers send in questions. We give answers and then–the answers turn into articles! That’s how our site grows. Some have asked if we post all questions and answers as articles. The short answer is no. The link above provides additional details. The best way to find an article on a specific topic (e.g., baptism, forgiveness, end times, drugs, etc.) is to search for it. See the search box at the top of every page? We have hundreds of articles, testimonies…

God’s Gift

When I first heard the gospel news, It was revealed to me, Why Jesus Christ came to this earth, To die to set us free. I’d like to share this news with you, Why the Lord Jesus came, So you can have this free gift too, When you call upon his name. I was told how in the beginning, That the enemy of God, Tricked Adam and Eve into eating, Of the fruit that God forbid. They disobeyed the sovereign…

Our Faith in the Marketplace–Christian Distinctives Part 2

with Christ. When Christ calls a man, he bids him come and die. . . . In fact every command of Jesus is a call to die, with all our affections and lusts. But we do not want to die, and therefore Jesus Christ and his call are necessarily our death as well as our life. Scriptures repeatedly addresses the role of the cross in the life of the believer. In Romans 6:6-7, the cross frees us from slavery to…

Arrested (again) for Preaching the Gospel

…already) what state the U.S.A is in. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears. II Timothy 4:3. This was a common occurrence we encountered while preaching the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ in St. Cloud; the police would park their car in front of us with the lights on, walk up to us and tell us that we could not continue…

The Master Painter

…trails. Silver moonbeams kiss the ground Then move along without a sound; Dappled shadows on the grass; Pale face upon a pond of glass. Cotton candy clouds glide by Dimming the moon and starlit sky; Cold winds blow and they move on; Soon every misty cloud is gone. Stardust dancing on the beams Of the moon and the world seems Touched by the Master Painter’s Hand Creating an enchanted land. A Christian poem by:  Belinda van Rensburg ©2010 — www.kevinvr.org/belindaspoetry/…

Tears in Crystal Vials

…resides In Heavenly places to bless and behold? What if the tears that we shed were collected And strewn in the sky to catch the Son’s rays; His brilliant Light by each teardrop reflected Painting a bow to remind and amaze? The Sovereign Lord can change crying to laughter And wipe every tear from our eyes; Replacing our sorrows with joy-filled hereafters And ashes with rainbows to color our lives. A Christian poem by:  Belinda van Rensburg ©2010 — www.kevinvr.org/belindaspoetry/…

The Sign of the Bow

…of misty droplets hung Colored by the rays of sun; Fair arc set in the rain-washed sky Where God’s wing’ed creatures fly. The multi-colored painted bow Serves as a sign to man below; Set over land and oceans deep Reminding us God doesn’t sleep. He promised nevermore to send A Flood to drown those who offend; And then He sealed His promise thus – A true love-letter writ to us. A Christian poem by:  Belinda van Rensburg ©2010 — www.kevinvr.org/belindaspoetry/…