Blessed Storms

…He formed; sent each of them; A blessing every one; A mystery to men. Bringing much needed rain Enabling life to grow; Though storms can cause much pain We need their blessed flow. When storm clouds gather close And life seems dark and bleak; When foes attack; oppose Leaving us battered; weak Remember that each cloud’s A blessing in disguise — Sent by God; allowed To strengthen; make us wise. A Christian poem by:  Belinda van Rensburg ©2010 —…

Jim’s Christian Testimony– Ex-Mormon & Glad of It

My name is Jim. I left the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in 1993, and all of my family came out with me (wife, three older kids around 15-20). I was an active member for 13 years, and inactive for another 10. It took me 10 years to figure it out. Actually, it was partially due to a broadcast I heard of “The Bible Answer Man” from the Christian Research Institute ( I didn’t know any ex-LDS members….

Torture — Is it Ever Justifiable

Question from a Site Viewer This is something that deeply concerns me–the issue of torture. Scripture mentions instances of acts of torture being committed against people. The one that comes to mind is in the Old Testament where King David put prisoners of war “under sharp iron instruments.” There is no mention anywhere of God approving of this behavior, yet at the same time there is also no mention of God forbidding torture or chastising those who did it. What…

Who Is Our Savior?

…may, I would like to comment on your desire to get a tattoo. I commend your desire to mark yourself permanently in your body as a follower of Jesus. However, I think it may be helpful for you to know that the Bible talks about tattoos. Someday, if you read your Bible, you will come across some instructions that forbid tattoos. For instance, in Leviticus 19:28, God told the children of Israel that they were not to make any tattoo…

Do We Have a License to Sin?

…another way, we must come to the place in our lives when we realize that we cannot please God on our own. The only way to please God is to trust in His Son (John 6:29, 40; Galatians 2:20). We should never trust in our own righteousness to obtain a right standing with God. There is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1) We are perfected forever (Hebrews 10:14). Thus, our standing with God is secure….

Is Mormonism True?

…wolves that would come into the church in sheep’s clothing (Matthew 7:15-23). The Apostle Paul tells us that even Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light and his servants make themselves to appear to be ministers of righteousness (2 Corinthians 11:13-15). The Apostle John tells us not to believe every spirit, but test the spirits because there are many false prophets in the world (1 John 4:1-3). The Apostle Paul writes in 1 Timothy 4:1-5 that in the…

Sin — I Can’t Stop

Question from a Site Viewer Every single horrible day of my life, I worry that I might not make it to heaven, and that I have committed the unpardonable sin. I also think that if I do something wrong, fail a test, or hurt someone’s feelings that I won’t make it to heaven. I’ve called Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit names. And every time I do something wrong, I say, “Oh Lord, forgive me!” At times my sins are…

Outline of Ecclesiastes

…His commands. The entire duty of man is to keep God’s commands, because this will be the basis of the ultimate judgment. Focusing on the ultimate judgment provides meaning to life. This is the fear of the LORD. This ultimate conclusion is itself strewn throughout the sermon. In 3:17, the Preacher states: “God shall judge the righteous and the wicked.” In 5:7, the Preacher states: “Fear God” In 7:18, the Preacher states: “He who fears God will come forth from…

Always There

…at the time. We had been invited to a family gathering, and I did not want my children around my family or my brother, for obvious reasons. That combined with constant nightmares, waking up screaming, gave her a clue that something was going on. I told her everything. It was so hard to let someone in on that. I opened myself up for so much more pain to come. She encouraged me to tell my parents what had happened when…

Evil Thoughts–Can They Be Controlled?

…as a trigger for a good thought. Thus, every time a curse thought comes into your mind, use it as a reminder to stop and bless God and worship God. The evil thought comes in, and immediately you turn towards God and thank Him for His salvation, or thank Jesus for dying on the cross for you, or thank Him for being your friend, or any number of things. But use the evil thought as a reminder to stop and…