Outline of Habakkuk

…speaks to idols 2:18-20 III. The Prayer of Habakkuk chapter 3 A great opening 3:2 (This is the response Habakkuk portends in 2:1) Fear Petition for life, instruction, and compassion God Comes 3:3-5 From Teman and from Mount Paran (from the south). The Babylonians came from the North, God comes from the opposite direction. With glory and power 3:3b-5 God stands and surveys 3:6-11 God marches 3:12-15 The prophet trembles at God’s awesome judgment 3:16 Faith triumphs 3:17-19 Key Idea:…

The Rapture

…of the Tribulation. This return, Jesus tells us, will happen immediately after the Great Tribulation, which Jesus fixes as the last 3 and 1/2 years of Daniel’s 70th week. At the end of the Tribulation, the skies will be darkened, the sign of Jesus return will be given, and then He will come. This is a well announced coming. There also, in Matthew 24, is the unannounced, stealthy, and undated return of Christ for His people. He warns us to…

I Peter 3:21 — A Short Commentary

…drink the cup that He would drink and be baptized with the baptism that He would be baptized with. The association of baptism with deliverance from death is not incidental in Scripture. And Peter has just spoken of the death and resurrection of Jesus, in the preceding verses. Coming back then to I Peter 3:21, if baptism saves us in like manner to the flood, then we should understand immediately that it is not the water that saved. This point…

Sin and Repentance

Question from a Site Viewer Sometimes after I sin, I don’t always immediately feel guilty. I feel like I should be beating my chest in repentance or crying my eyes out. When I feel like this, I remind myself of James 4:7-10: Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Grieve, mourn…

Prophecies and Fulfillments Concerning His Death

…vessel full of sour wine was sitting there; and they filled a sponge with sour wine, put it on hyssop, and put it to His mouth. John 19:28,29 (NKJ) . . . they gave Him sour wine mingled with gall to drink. But when He had tasted it, He would not drink. Matthew 27:34 (NKJ) TOP Prophecy: People will wag their heads I also have become a reproach to them; When they look at me, they shake their heads. Psalm…

Brandon Duncan’s Christian Testimony

I’m blessed to confess that JESUS called me out of the dark to serve in the light! Part of my testimony is shared on the 700 club at CBN.COM (Brandon Duncan Finding Freedom In Prison). Of course that is only a six-minute brief and God has been working miracles and wonders since then that are worthy to share. JESUS gets all the glory for I am able only in Him. I become an addicted alcoholic by the time I was…

Scott Thorson’s Christian Testimony

…and husband by his example. Now Christ Jesus is my joy ! Feel free to google scott thorson/kickboxer/baywatch. I want to share about Christ’s love and grace with everyone I meet. I have everything I need to prove the validity of my testimony: police reports, newspapers and videos. I would love to come share at your church or conference. I never ask for any money or compensation; I just love seeing people led to the Lord. Email me at donaldthorson78@gmail.com


Blessed is the man who fears the LORD Let me have my heart always toward Jesus Christ My Light I love my LORD His Word is like a two-edged sword I lift up my heart to He who sets captives free. A Christian poem by:  Emily Schmidt — eschmidt122@gmail.com

Free Gift of Salvation

God has made a way of salvation For all the people of his creation He sent his only son Jesus to die upon the cross So we wouldn’t have to go to hell and suffer such a loss We must accept his gift of salvation so freely given Jesus died upon the cross for our sin so we could be forgiven God loves us so much and wants us in heaven above He loves us poor sinners with an everlasting…

What God and His Word Have Done For Me

…had no inclination at all toward having desires for the woman. The thought was completely foreign and in opposition with my own body’s natural gender’s feelings. I chose not to agree with the demon and shooed the thought away by Jesus and His truth, and suddenly the voice vanished and my body’s feelings stayed completely utterly intact; there was no inkling at all of a homosexual desire in any of my parts. I am completely set free and healed from…