Chris’s Christian Testimony

…house.” The innocent child continues to play not realizing that the dark of night brings out different players–beasts of the night and predators come out to hunt. No longer is it innocent games of hide and seek, or cowboys and Indians. The rules of darkness are different. Come into the house, children, where there is light; come into the house, children, for your safety, until the dark of night passes. Like Mother calling her children out of darkness, there comes…

The Tribulation – Will Christians Have to Go Through It?

…earth, but He comes and invites us to come up with Him, to meet Him in the air. This is the coming spoken of in John 14:1-3 where Jesus goes to prepare a place for us and then comes to take us to be with Him there. This is the coming of Matthew 25:1-13 where we go out to meet our Lord and enter into His chambers and He shuts the door. Then, after that coming, the LORD comes out…

Why I’m Praising the Lord

…thinks he’s going to win But, I rebuke him in the name of Jesus and he just can’t come in See, you don’t know like I know what the Lord has done for me If you knew you’ll be right by my side praising he set me free So lets praise the Lord Jesus as we believe in faith that no matter the situation the Lord Jesus will lift the weight A Christian poem by:  Marlene — Drugged and Delivered…

Autumn Commemoration

…sing! Communion of love, we shall not forget      The pain and the anguish, the blood that was let      On Calvary’s mount, where God and man met. From Autumn to Winter, from Winter to Spring,      His body met death; but death could not fling      From Jesus the life which He came to bring. In Spring, it was Spring; in death, death died.      This Autumn we commemorate The Crucified. A Christian poem by:  Tim Binder November 8,…

Forgiveness in Jesus

…be like and what we would do, and for that very reason He spread wide His hands, took our sins upon His broad shoulders, and died for us. He said: “Greater love has no one than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. You are My friends, if you do what I command you.” Those who repent and come to Jesus will always find open arms and a warm invitation. And they will always find forgiveness…

Do Good Works Lead To Salvation?

…we trust in Christ, we will do the works of the Spirit. If we trust in ourselves, we will do the works of the flesh. Accordingly, we affirm with Scripture that true salvation will show itself in a changed life of good works. But we also strongly affirm with Scripture that we do not obtain salvation by our good works, but solely through faith in Jesus Christ. If there is something on our site that you read that would indicate…

I Survived Abortion – Melissa Ohden’s Incredible Testimony

…statements like, “a saline infusion for an abortion was done, but was unsuccessful.” In another area, my records list out a complication of pregnancy as a “saline infusion.” As hard as it was to read those records, finding my birth parents names in them brought me great joy, understandably. When I started searching for my birth parents, I learned I was living in the same city as my birthfather. Sadly, he never responded to a letter that I sent him,…

Is Jesus the True God? An Overview of the Trinity

…the New Testament the word is translated as a singular “theos” (see Mark 12:29). But this proves nothing. The word “elohim,” a word which Mr. Huie rightly sees as plural, is also always translated in the New Testament as the singular Greek word “theos” (Romans 3:11, 18; Hebrews 1:8, 9; 8:10). This is the standard way the Hebrews translated the Jewish Testament into the Greek in the Septuagint. They always used the singular “theos” to translate “elohim” or “eloheynu,” when…

Health and Wealth — the Purpose of Christianity?

…questions about the meaning of life, predestination, etc. But now I’ve found that my church teaches something that you can hear from teachers of “Word of Faith.” What is most terrible is that I see the same principles that I read in the books and the film that I mentioned above. I read the New Testament several times. It’s not about prosperity and health at all. All my mind and heart protest against these teachings. I have shifted my mind…

How Can We Know the Bible Is True?

…Bible was not just a regular book and that the author sat down and wrote the entire thing? Maybe the author started with the New Testament and then wrote the Old Testament afterward to make the facts support what is in the New Testament. Another support for the Bible is fulfilled prophesy. Well, again, how can I convince myself that it’s true and someone did not write the Old Testament after writing the New Testament to make it match? How…