Are There Many Paths to Heaven?

Question from a Site Viewer What are the Christian attitudes towards other religions? Are there many paths to heaven? Tim’s Answer You ask about Christian attitudes towards other religions and whether there is only one way to heaven. Let me answer the first question first. Religions can be seen as structural systems by which large or small segments of people order their lives based upon belief. The largest religions of the world, in descending order of the number of adherents,…

How Can I Know I’m Saved?

…Philippian jailor asked Paul and Silas what he had to do to be saved, Paul and Silas responded: “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ” (Acts 16:31). Salvation is a free gift that God gives to all who trust Him for their salvation and seek to develop a personal relationship with Him through a close knowledge of Jesus Christ. Those who seek Him will find Him. Those who believe (not a mere intellectual assent but a personal commitment or trust) are…

Is Communion for Children? What does the Bible Say?

Question from a Site Viewer Is communion for children? Should children take the body and blood of Christ without having been previously baptized? My wife is Latino from South America and has strong sentiments about our son participating in the holy supper. Is there any Bible doctrine that would support this view? Thank you and may God bless your ministry! Tim’s Answer You ask a very good question. Many parents wonder if they should be giving communion to their children….

Outline of Luke

…of this book which he subscribes to Paul. In another place, Eusebius states: . . . yet, of all the disciples, Matthew and John are the only ones that have left us recorded comments, and even they, tradition says, undertook it from necessity. . . . But Luke also in the commencement of his narrative, premises the cause which led him to write, showing that many others having rashly undertaken to compose a narration of matters that he had already…

Outline of Job

…are miserable comforters 16-17 Bildad: Listen, it is the wicked who suffer such things 18 Job: No, God has wronged me. Why, I do not know, but I shall see God. 19 Zophar: The triumph of the wicked always comes to an end. 20 Job: It is not so. Look at the wicked. Their payment comes after this life, not in this life. 21 Round 3 22-31 Eliphaz: Get acquainted with God and your troubles will cease. 22 Job: Oh,…

Outline of Job

…wise as you, I will talk to God 12-14 II. Round Two 15-21 Eliphaz: Your own speech reveals your sin 15 Job: You are miserable comforters 16-17 Bildad: Listen, it is the wicked who suffer such things 18 Job: No, God has wronged me. Why, I do not know, but I shall see God. 19 Zophar: The triumph of the wicked always comes to an end. 20 Job: It is not so. Look at the wicked. Their payment comes after…

Outline of Romans

…it is the longest book. But whatever reason, we come first to the book of Romans. The book of Romans is written by Paul from Corinth, while on his third missionary journey, in about 57 A.D. [His host is Gaius (Romans 16:23), an early convert in Corinth (1 Corinthians 1:14) and he commends to the Romans Phoebe from Cenchrea, a neighboring city of Corinth (Romans 16:1). Further, he is about to go to Jerusalem with an offering (Romans 15:25-26), which…

Outline of Galatians

free. Galatians 4:31 IV. Life in the Spirit 5:1-6:10 To seek righteousness by doing the law is a departure from grace 5:1-6 You have become estranged from Christ, you who attempt to be justified by law; you have fallen from grace. Galatians 5:4 We are called to liberty 5:7-15 Included in the offense of the cross is its freedom — vs.11 Don’t use freedom from law as an opportunity to please the flesh, but as liberty to love — vs….

Outline of 1 Thessalonians

…the truth 2:13-16 The word of God 2:13 With suffering 2:14-16 His desire to see them 2:17-20 His sending of Timothy 3:1-10 The motivation 3:1-5 The comfort 3:6-10 The Benediction 3:11-13 III. Paul’s Exhortation to them 4-5 Abound more and more in the Christ’s commands 4:1-2 Abstain from sexual immorality 4:3-8 Increase your love 4:9-10 Aspire to quietness 4:11-12 Be comforted with Christ’s return 4:13-18 Don’t be concerned about the Day of the Lord 5:1-11 Esteem your leaders highly in…

Outline of 1 Timothy

…to Macedonia. Nevertheless, Timothy was with Paul when Paul went to Macedonia (2 Corinthians 1:1) and he accompanied Paul back to Asia (Acts 20:4). He also was with Paul in Rome when he wrote Philippians (Philippians 1:1) and Colossians (Colossians 1:1). We find Timothy in Ephesus in this book and apparently in 2 Timothy (2 Timothy 1:16-18; 4:19). At some time, Timothy was imprisoned but then set free (Hebrews 13:23). We know little of Timothy’s later life. Eusebius mentions Timothy…