Arrested for Preaching the Gospel

…answered and said unto them, “Whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye.” Acts 4:19 When I did not obey their command their anger rose and took control of their actions. Their anger toward the preaching of the Word of God overpowered their common sense, the constitutional amendments, and their duty to uphold the law. The officers began to scream at me and when I continued to preach they…

A Fifth-Generation Jehovah’s Witness Finds Christ

…grandparents, aunts, and uncles. We all went to the same kingdom hall. We would work in the garden together, go in service together, and go to meetings together. The fun I had as a child was either playing alone or playing marbles with my grandparents. I am sure that it seems like everything was wonderful back then. It seemed that way to everyone else too. I was struggling inside though. I had a very hard time with a few things….

Alexandra’s Christian Testimony

…by . . . and I still wasn’t baptized. As a teenager I felt lack of communication, and it happened so that I didn’t have friends at school, not a single one. Can you imagine that? So, when I met those 2 nice-looking American guys (they turned out to be missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day saints, i.e. Mormon Church) who were so friendly to me, I had no doubt that the things they were telling me…

David’s Christian Testimony–Surrendering 100%

…As crazy as it sounds, I believe with all my heart that God placed me in here for a reason, to completely surrender my life to Him and to carry out His Word. I am still incarcerated but I am finally free of the bondage of depression through the grace and mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ and Savior. Amen! For He redeemed my soul from going to the pit and I will live to enjoy the light. Job 33:28…

Christian Poems Sorted by Author

…Love Robbie Kubusheski’s Christian Poems Mercy Me A Sinless Man — A Sinner’s Death Karen Ong’s Christian Poems Jesus — Our Hope God Cares Keith Wallis’s Christian Poems Grace by still waters Hetty’s Christian Poems Cure Hold on to Jesus Fredo Cruz’s Christian Poems Why? I Am Alive Treasure’s Christian Poems What Kind of Apples? He’ll Move Your Mountain Danny Fisher’s Christian Poems The Old Man Andy’s Story Pauline Macpherson God’s Gift Doris Hayes Gibson God’s True Beauty Melinda Lancaster…

Jesus of Judah

…man of one tribe marries a woman of another tribe, their children would be considered the children of the father’s tribe. This much I grant to those who raise the objection. However, I also note that the law never states that tribal affiliation comes only from the father. While the examples in Scripture support such a conclusion, there is no passage that directly states this. And what I note of the examples of Scripture is that they all involve a…

What is an Apostate?

Question from a Site Viewer How would you explain an apostate? Would not Satan be the prime example of such? Scripture says that even the demons believe. And, if the demons are fallen angels, they would have been in the same position as the devil. They all believed and knew God. Yet, they chose, st some point, to discard their obedience to God to follow Satan. It seems to me that an apostate would be one who knew, believed, and…

Women in Ministry

…in faith, love, holiness with self-control. That is, women are given the exalted position of bearing the Christ child. This is a privileged position. Yet, in order for this action to lead to their salvation, “they,” each one individually, must persevere in order to be saved. Salvation comes the same to men, although that is not Paul’s point in this passage. The privilege of bringing salvation comes exclusively to woman. The effect of salvation comes only on those who persevere….

Sinners or Saints?

…we are all lost and dead in our sin. However, from my understanding of Scripture neither God nor the Apostles ever call Christians sinners. We are referred to as sons (Ephesians 1:4), children (1 John 2:1), brethren (Colossians 1:2), friends (John 15:15) heirs (Romans 8:1:17), citizens of heaven (Ephesians 2:19) and most commonly as saints (Paul’s greeting in most of his epistles). I feel that we should be defined by who God (and the Scriptures) say we are, not by…

Salvation vs Sanctification

Question from a Site Viewer What is the difference between salvation and sanctification? Must we be sanctified before we see God? Tim’s Answer Thanks much for your question. Salvation and sanctification are two different ideas, yet tied to a single goal of God. That goal is to restore us to the spiritual image of Jesus Christ, an image of grace and truth (John 1:12-13). Mankind was created originally in God’s image (Genesis 1:26-27). We fell when sin entered into the…