I Am Backsliding and Losing Faith

…Him. Set your mind and body apart to Him. When you first begin to feel the urge to look at pornography, turn your mind back to Him. Flee from the temptation, not simply by saying “no” to the temptation, but by refocusing your mind on the beauty and calling of our God. None of us are animals. We all can control what we do. Stated another way, few of us would ever watch pornography with our moms or with our…

Jesus Christ — Who Do You Say That I Am?

…Himself. Those who walked with Him told of miracles He performed: healing the sick, causing the blind to see, turning water into wine, telling the future, revealing the past, calming storms, walking on water, feeding thousands when food was scarce, casting out demons, raising the dead—even rising from the dead. Now you have heard about Jesus Christ. You have heard some of His claims. And you are now faced with a choice (if you haven’t already made one). You can…

Carla’s Christian Testimony

…more information to see what my chance of getting pregnant was. Studies show that women are most fertile after they come off of their period, and I came off just that Saturday. My boyfriend rushed to the pharmacy store and bought me two morning-after pills. I took one morning-after pill, but dropped the other without even noticing until my mother questioned my sister and I about a morning-after pill on the floor. I denied it being mine. I had to…

Jeffrey’s Christian Testimony

…of marriage we divorced. From that point on I was searching; that was 11 years ago. I looked for happiness in drugs for a long time. I looked for happiness in relationships and I looked for it in jobs. Guess what? I never found it. Wow, I was miserable. I was lonely. I was addicted to anything that would numb me. My parents and sister were praying for me and when I visited them I would go to church. I…

Cheryl’s Christian Testimony

…were apart which was six months. I never accepted that it was God’s will. Two weeks after the divorce was final, he called and said he had come to his senses and wanted another chance. I was reluctant, but because I believed in my heart that it was God’s will, I yielded. At first it was too hard, but we became closer to God. Trust was non-existent, but we did work on it and began to communicate well. There was…

Bryan’s Christian Testimony

…God began a progressive work in me about my new position as a father, which has continued to this very day. I have come to realize the great responsibility the Lord places on people when they become parents. With this insight from God, I want to be a good example for a Christian father for my child more than ever. The year 2008 was one of the most difficult years of my life. My mother was told that her cancer…

Heidy’s Christian Testimony

…and I asked Jesus to come into my heart. Since then, I have been completely drawn to the faith I once criticized. I am a new creation in Christ Jesus, and I have new life. “Because the sinless Savior died, my sinful soul is counted free.” Jesus Christ is the meaning of life, and because He died, I will spend eternity in Heaven with the one true God who loved me enough to send His Son in my place. Hallelujah!…

M. William’s Christian Testimony

…accepting myself. And I’m a Christian, have been for almost 5 1/2 years and still have a long way to go. God is so awesome. He can change anyone’s circumstances but we have to believe and have faith that God will come through for us in our good and our bad moments. Even when everything seems to be dark and there seems to be no light,remember that Christ is the light and that we must hold on to God’s Word….

Hetty’s Christian Testimony

…When I had my daughter, the seizures still never got better. And neither did the relationship. I went back to Arizona to find a neurologist who could do something else. In time, my husband, felt he had to as well. I had my first brain surgery in 2002 at the Mayo Hospital . . . I wasn’t into Jesus yet . . . it was painful . . . but I was seizure free. I had, oddly, bought a cross…

Who Is Our Savior?

…may, I would like to comment on your desire to get a tattoo. I commend your desire to mark yourself permanently in your body as a follower of Jesus. However, I think it may be helpful for you to know that the Bible talks about tattoos. Someday, if you read your Bible, you will come across some instructions that forbid tattoos. For instance, in Leviticus 19:28, God told the children of Israel that they were not to make any tattoo…