Determining a False Teacher

…John Piper even has some harsh comments about Brian McClaren and the camp that he and Rob Bell ascribe to (the emergent church) and claims that it is “an upper middle class, white departure from orthodoxy.” But aren’t Rob Bell and Brian McClaren also notable Christian figures too, doing work for the glory of God? So it’s okay for John Piper to come against this movement but others should be silent to the distortion of truth in Calvinism? Tim’s Answer…

The Conjuring–Is It a True Story?

Question from a Site Viewer I would like to know your take on the movie The Conjuring, specifically in reference to it’s theological accuracy. For example, “Is this actually how demons behave?” Could this movie actually be true or is it a farce, fabricated by people hungry for money? Tim’s Answer Thank you for writing. I do not watch many movies and have not seen The Conjuring, nor do I intend to see it. But I have read some of…

How Can We Know the Bible Is True?

…writings are incredibly rich. There are chiastic editorial structures, complex parallelisms, and many other linguistic devices that continue to challenge scholars who study the text. But what is found is that these linguistic structures are more than nice devices; they point to a coming Savior. The book is far more complex than the most complex modern writing. Yet, the Bible has a simplicity of message that even a child can understand. There is no more powerful discourse on calamity than…

Evil Thoughts–Can They Be Controlled?

simply temptations. We all are tempted by our evil desires and other evil thoughts. What is critical to our lives as believers is what we do with those thoughts when they come into our minds. If we let them continue in our minds and we welcome them, then we sin. If we cast them down by refocusing our minds away from such thoughts, then we gain the victory over the temptations. I know that it comes as a surprise to…

How did God Harden Pharaoh’s Heart?

…through the grace and blessing of GOD then it also would be true that Pharaoh’s heart was hardened by God. Tim’s Answer Thank you for your thoughts. We simply are not told the mechanism God used to harden Pharaoh’s heart, or for that matter Sihon’s heart (Deuteronomy 2:30) or Israel’s heart (Isaiah 63:17), or the Jews’ hearts in Christ’s day (John 12:40-41). It is possible that God simply continued to carry out His plan of redemption and this action hardened…

Can an Accurate Chronology of Scripture Be Constructed?

…What we want to be known for are the things Jesus taught and the things His disciples taught as we find recorded in the pages of sacred Scripture. These things are living in loving relationships with others, helping the poor, ministering to the needy and the oppressed, sharing the good news of Jesus Christ, and teaching “all things whatsoever I have commanded you,” as Jesus says in the Great Commission. Pure religion is to minister to the widows and orphans…

Matthew 12:32 – Is the Word “Speaks” in the Aorist Tense?

…but rather the commitment to Christ. If we come to Him, He will not cast us out, as you yourself quote. And the King James Translation “no wise” is simply an attempt to translate a strengthened negative in the Greek. It literally means “I will never, never cast out.” And though living the Christian life on our own is not possible, gaining the help we need to live the Christian life is as simple as calling out to God to…

Can a Christian Die in Sin and Still Go to Heaven?

…a tremendous blessing that we should praise Him for this great gift. We have no fear of condemnation (Romans 8:1). He has already brought us into the kingdom of His dear Son (Colossians 1:13-14). I hope this helps. May the Lord Jesus and His Spirit guide you into the incredible freedom given to us in Jesus Christ; not a freedom to sin, but a freedom from fear of condemnation and a freedom to serve one another in love. a pilgrim…

What do the Jews Believe?

…we must be prepared for the tribulation so that we are not left behind. In your opinion, what must we do? Is there a site to go to for praying for Israel? Thank you for your time and inspired answers. Tim’s Answer Thank you for your questions. You ask: What do the Jews believe about Jesus? The Jews do not all agree on who Jesus is anymore than do the Gentiles. Some accept Him to be the Messiah and worship…

Is Faith Enough? Are Those Who Believe Saved?

Question from a Site Viewer Thanks for taking the time to explain and defend your position on this important topic (baptism). If I may, I would really encourage you to read Jack Cottrell’s book, Baptism: A Biblical Study. I think you miss the point on why many see baptism as a response to the gospel (along with repentance and confession). Baptism is simply the occasion of salvation. We’re initially saved “by” grace “through” faith “at” baptism. Tim’s Answer Are you…