Brought to Enlightenment

We must learn to do and not weakly try; for with Christ, all is possible – Just stop asking “Why?” Bow before Him on bended knees, for His Ways are superior to ours. Spend quality time in prayer and not simply waste precious hours. To be brought to enlightenment, one must learn on his own. Yet, the secret is simply this – Go before God and His Throne. A Christian poem by:  Joseph J. Breunig 3rd Author of “Reaching Toward…

Focus on Jesus — Control Your Thoughts

…attracted. Such is the way God has made us. But when the thoughts lead us away from Christ, this is not a good situation. I have a general suggestion and then a specific suggestion for dealing with your present struggle. First, the general suggestion. As we mature, it sometimes comes as a shock to us that we are not victims of our thoughts. We should not be passive in our thought life. With the power of God working in us,…

Forget the Past

…angry at God and nobody knew. My husband and I divorced. I joined a spiritual school, got into yoga and began reading books on spirituality. Then I had some very strange, yet very real, spiritual encounters. Since that time, I have been living a nightmare and feel that I am in constant spiritual warfare. I read my Bible daily and pray, but this is ongoing. I simply can’t forget the past. Tim’s Answer Your message touches a chord in our…

Can I Control My Thoughts?

…these intrusive thoughts so that I do not question my standing with Him. I am calm and collected outwardly, but spiritually I am a complete basket-case. To control my thoughts seems utterly impossible. Tim’s Answer It is nice to hear that God is using the site to bless His children. That has been our prayer for the site. Our focus is to draw people into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We believe that the God who walked and talked…

How to Overcome Hate

…I completely hate her. I want to love her but I am unable. I feel guilty about it because she loves me. This is affecting my spiritual life, my studies and also my character. I cannot seem to overcome my anger. To overcome hate seems impossible. Tim’s Answer Thank you for sharing your present struggles with your mom and with anger. How does one overcome hate? I suppose I could give you five simple steps and you would be grateful….

Living a Double Life

…been sinners in the past. Suppose I apply for a job that requires a high level of financial trustworthiness. The form says that if I have ever stolen from someone in the past 10 years, I need to disclose that fact and it will disqualify me from the job. Just because I am forgiven and no one will ever know does not mean that I can complete the from and not disclose a past theft. I cannot simply pretend it…

Is Masturbation a Sin?

…marriage and use it in marriage to honor one another. And if one never gets married, then the loss of sex is minor compared with the glory of Christ. There is no comparison. No one in heaven will wish they had more sex. But we may all wish that we had served Christ more faithfully. May the Lord Jesus and His Spirit guide you in the knowledge of His will in this area and give you peace. your servant, tim…

Obeying God’s Commands

Question from a Site Viewer I’d like to start with the thief. Jesus had not died and arose yet. He had not completed what He had come to do. The thief was still under the Old Law until Jesus had completed his death, burial, and resurrection. Read this: Therefore he is the mediator of a new covenant, so that those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance, since a death has occurred that redeems them from the transgressions…

Life Is Falling Apart

…I have found them the foundation of a vibrant and long-lasting relationship with Jesus. First, confess any known sin to God (Proverbs 28:13; 1 John 1:9). This step should not be a deep soul searching for sin. Simply confess to God sins of which you are aware. The Holy Spirit is faithful to bring to our minds sins we need to confess. We do not need to go searching for them. God does not want us to dwell on our…

Tithes and Offerings–Why Should I Give?

Question from a Site Viewer I was just wondering about the whole finances thing. I believe in God and I pray as much as I remember but I just don’t get the tithes and offerings of the church. Also, I would like to know how to be able to know and talk to God more. Can you please help me? Tim’s Answer Thanks for your email. The issue before God is never about giving tithes and offerings to the church….