Hell and Near-Death Experiences

…possible for God sometimes to intervene in the process and provide a glimpse to the afterlife. Whether God does this, I do not know. What I know is that we experience something that seems real to us. Whether it is real when we are in these states of semi-consciousness is what we cannot know. We all have had dreams that seem very real until we wake from them and find that they were only dreams. For me, seeing these near-death…

Remarriage After Divorce — Is it Adultery?

…explain my understanding of the relevant texts. Jesus in Matthew 5:32 states that the person who divorces his wife “causes” her to commit adultery. Now, she does not commit adultery unless she remarries or otherwise has sexual relationships with another man. Jesus, however, seems to presume that this will happen, as He states that the divorcing husband causes the divorced wife to commit adultery. I think this is very consistent with Jesus’ statements in Matthew 19:11-12 that not everyone has…

Are We Universalists?

…living water and dig out cisterns that can hold no water. Most people will pursue their own paths, and will not turn to follow the living God. For such people who die without coming to the knowledge of Christ, we do not find any hope in the pages of Scripture. Scripture teaches both eternal bliss for those who come to God through Christ and eternal punishment for those who reject God’s one and only Hope for the world. May the…

The Body of Moses

…and I doubt if he wanted it simply to mutilate it. Perhaps, he wanted only to deprive God of the body, but that also seems like a far-fetched supposition. I have no answers. Why God hid Moses’ body I think is for the same reason that He hides us in Himself. The concept is that God is protecting the body from Satan. God has claimed Moses for Himself and God is not about to let Satan get to the body….

Did Jesus Die on a Thursday or Friday?

…me away from a conclusion the remaining evidence seems to compel, especially when it seems there is an easy way to reconcile this passage with the rest of Scripture and with historical truth. For these reasons, I believe that Christ in stating in Matthew 12:40 that the Son of Man would be in the heart of the earth three days and three night was intending us to understand that He would be dead for three days (the day of His…

Why Did Jesus Call Himself the Son of Man?

…In telling the high priests that they would see the Son of Man coming in the clouds (Matthew 26:64; Mark 14:62), Jesus is drawing on the imagery of Daniel 7:13 where Daniel sees in a vision one like the “Son of Man coming with the clouds of heaven.” I think it is safe to draw the conclusion that Jesus saw Himself as the Son of Man referenced in Daniel 7:13. And, according to Daniel 7:14, to this Son of Man…

Justification of Sin

Question from a Site Viewer Can you steer me to scripture that addresses “justification of sin?” For example, justifying keeping excess change (stealing) from a store because they’ve been known to have overcharged at some point in the past. Or justifying lying to someone, because they have lied to you. Tim’s Answer There is no scripture that justifies sin. Probably the most direct and extensive portion of scripture on justification is Romans 3-8. This passage speaks of the justification of…

Call Me Barabbas — Jesus Paid the Ultimate Price

Written by: @jbhoward He died in my place! I was a Dead Man Walking, and He snatched me from the jaws of death and went in my place. Call me Barabbas. All four Gospel writers wrote about me. Matthew called me “a notorious prisoner.” 1 Mark said I “was in prison with the insurrectionists who had committed murder in the uprising.” 2 Luke charged me with “insurrection in the city [and] murder.” 3 John simply stated that I “had taken…

Was Jesus Really Born of a Virgin?

…laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. Luke 2:7 (NKJ) Tim’s Answer The argument that the Hebrew word we translate as “virgin” means “young woman” simply does not fly. Here are the Scriptures that use the word: Genesis 24:43 where Abraham’s servant is certainly looking for a virgin; Exodus 2:8, where Miriam, a young girl and undoubtedly a virgin at this time, is sent to get Moses’ mother; Proverbs 30:19 where one…

Were Children Killed In Bethlehem?

…he had determined from the wise men. Then was fulfilled what was spoken by Jeremiah the prophet, saying: “A voice was heard in Ramah, Lamentation, weeping, and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children, Refusing to be comforted, Because they are no more.” Matthew 2:16-18 Tim’s Answer With respect to the killing of the babies, the killing by itself does not demonstrate that Jesus is the Messiah, as you state. Rather, it is simply another event that fits with an…