Do Infants Go to Heaven When They Die?

Question from a Site Viewer Do unborn children and infants go to heaven when they die? Tim’s Answer Your question concerning whether the unborn and infants go to heaven when they die is a good one. Different segments of the church have come to different conclusions on this issue. For instance, some have taught that infants must be baptized to go to heaven. Others believe that there is an age of accountability and that all individuals who die before that…

Do We Have a License to Sin?

Question from a Site Viewer What is the true meaning about being “in right standing” with God? We are the righteousness of God and all fall short of the glory of God. If people are seeking God but have struggles and fall does that mean they are no longer “in right standing” with God? Or are we always “in right standing” with God? And if we are, doesn’t this just give us a license to sin? Tim’s Answer We have…

Watching Porn — How Do I Stop?

Question from a Site Viewer I’m a 30-year old man. I just read about your article regarding porn. I am an converted Christian. For the past five years I have been with Jesus. But I can’t control myself from watching porn. I can abstain for four or five days but after that I lose control and end up watching more pornography. I want to stop watching porn but I feel helpless. Tim’s Answer Addiction to pornography is a major problem…

If We Have Theological Systems but Have not Love . . .

Question from a Site Viewer Without Love, Theological Systems Are Useless I am Baptist by faith but moreso a Christian. I have had an unsettled spirit lately since my sister has become a full-blown Calvinist. We can’t even talk about God anymore since our theological systems of who God is are so different. I struggle with some of the scriptures she shared with me and I want to be able to defend my faith. Tim’s Answer When one’s theological system…

Vanessa’s Christian Testimony

…found comfort in parties, and I found safety in other runaways. After about six months of living a wild life the police caught up with me. It was back to the foster care system. I was sixteen by then and I had absolutely no respect for authority. I was my authority. I lived in so many different homes because I kept running away. I became a runner. I thought it made me free. After seven years living away from my…

John 1:1 — “God” or “a god”?

…In the sentence “He is God,” “He” is the subject because it comes before the verb. “God” is the predicate because it comes after the verb. In Greek, however, word order does not carry the same significance. In Greek, the subject may come first, second, third, or any other place in the sentence. Often, the verb comes first. Sometimes the verb comes last. The word order is used to show emphasis. It does not determine the subject. In the sentence…

Talitha Cumi — A Heavenly Language?

…quoting Psalm 22:1 in Aramaic. Aramaic was a common language known to the Jews in the area. There remains some dispute as to whether it was the primary language of the Jews at that time (the movie “The Passion” is spoken in Aramaic based on the prevalent view among scholars that Aramaic was the language Christ would have spoken; however, given the prevalence of Hebrew in the Dead Sea Scrolls, the issue is not fully settled). But it seems certain…

Will I Go to Heaven?

…the Internet for hours hoping to get help. I keep worrying I’ve committed the unpardonable sin. I’m worried sick. Tim’s Answer Relax. Jesus did not die on the cross to send us to hell. And none of us are perfect. He has promised salvation to everyone who comes to Him. So, anytime you sin, I encourage you to turn back to Him with those simple words “I have sinned” and then ask Him to restore you. If you think this…

The Trinity

…Tertullian stated that the one trinity consists of three persons of one substance. God is not simply one person who appears in different forms, as shown in such passages as the baptism of Christ or the promise of the Holy Spirit in John 14. Others have erred in accepting a tritheistic view of God, that is, they see such a separation made that the Trinity becomes to them three Gods who simply happen to be in agreement. Such a separation…

144,000 Virgin Males

…treasure, that we one day will reside where our citizenship is, and that our connection with heaven is so strong that we are seen as being seated there right now. This is what the Bible teaches. Accordingly, the teaching that you have heard is simply not what Jesus taught, or what Scripture says. What Jesus does teach is that anyone who believes in Him shall never perish but have eternal life (John 3:16). Jesus promises to receive all who come…