In the Mirror

…me. I look at the wrinkles under his eyes, And I stop and consider and wonder why? All the wrinkles and shadows there. But then I remember I’m looking at me, A face God created, a face he set free. No matter of wrinkles and shadows there, It’s only life’s experiences–ones I have shared, So I look at the man looking at me, And said it’s great to know Jesus and to feel free. A Christian poem by: Andrew Balfour…

A Mother’s Love

…joy? Not long ago when she had cradled him so, Singing lullabies to him seems like decades ago. To hold him once more her heart cried out. To see him smile, then see what it was about. The long days had gone by, she just could not see. What was the purpose in Calvary? Her son was no longer alive and free. Why God, why did this happen to me? It was early that day when we went to the…

Lisa’s Christian Testimony – From Abuse to Freedom

…thing I had ever done because finally I had become free from living in hell. The moment I got out of my aunt’s house I fely like I was free from prison. Then I started building up walls between me and my family and I changed my identity to become a lesbian just to hide the fact that I had been abused. Then I moved to Manila and found a family who really cared. They showed me love and I…

When The Light Goes Out

What is done Can’t be undone How do you handle Her light blown out like a candle No longer here for me to see She has been set free Free from pain that bound Death chased her like a hound She fought long & hard like a soldier This life she tried to carry on her shoulders When the pain was too much She couldn’t handle even my soft touch A woman sworn to live by her vow Cancer hit…

Our Site Mission (and map)

…the one of the greatest free programs of all time. It will greatly assist you as you study God’s Word. What We Believe This page gives a very brief statement of my faith. In other words, this page explains what I believe to be the essential elements for salvation, according to the Bible. Messianic Prophecies Find many Old Testament prophecies about Jesus and their fulfillments in the New Testament. Do you know Him? This page is for non-Christians, or for

Tithing — Does Scripture Mandate It?

…gave to the Levites the tithes of the Israelites and gave to the priests the tithe of the Levites (Numbers 18:21-26). God also commanded a tithe for the support of celebration (Deuteronomy 14:23-29). In Malachi 3:8, the passage most often quoted on the subject, God tells the Israelites that they have robbed Him in their tithes and offerings. In the New Testament, the tithe is not commanded, unless the reference in Matthew 23:23 & Luke 11:42 is seen as an…

Baptism and Salvation

…can’t be torn from its context. It is the way we “call on the name of the Lord” for salvation (1 Peter 3:21, Acts 22:16). God bless you for your site and your dedication. I love it the forgoing items not withstanding. Tim’s Answer Thank you for your note. I fully recognize that I do not have the last or final word on the issue of baptism. And I appreciate your focus on Scripture as the authority. Ultimately, we all…

Water Baptism–A Scriptural Description

…22:16, the cleansing is not the concept of sprinkling, but a thorough washing, requiring something much more thorough. In those passages that give us some detail about baptism, two things emerge. First, the baptism is done in a body of water. Second, the people come up out of the water when the baptism is completed. Thus, the children of Israel were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea (1 Cor. 10:2). If we remember the story, they…

Do I Have to Go to Church to Be Saved?

…gives us an opportunity to love one another, encourage one another, support one another, and carry out the many “one-another” commands of Scripture. It also provides an opportunity for a community of believers to join together in praising God. And a good church helps shield us from bad teachings. However, many places we call church simply do not do this. And no church is perfect. My encouragement to believers in Christ is to find a sound, Bible proclaiming, loving church,…

What Is the Significance of Fasting?

…the Lord’s Supper. It is a time for His people to worship Him in awe and holiness, and to let their hearts expand in praise and adoration to Jesus who endured so much to bring about our great salvation. It is not a time of death for us, but of life. I think we should examine our hearts before we ever come to the communion service, so that at the service we may have hearts prepared to adore Jesus. I…