Arrested (again) for Preaching the Gospel

…already) what state the U.S.A is in. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears. II Timothy 4:3. This was a common occurrence we encountered while preaching the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ in St. Cloud; the police would park their car in front of us with the lights on, walk up to us and tell us that we could not continue…

Connie’s Christian Testimony–Freed from Satan’s Grip

…— it was so automatic that I claimed the blood of Jesus in my dreams. One night while sleeping, I woke with a sharp jerk to the muscles of my body. I knew the spirit was gone. My mind was clear and at peace. That was over 25 years ago. The spirit never returned. I finished college and graduated with the BA Degree in Sociology and minor in Psychology. I thank Jesus every day for saving my life. Connie Williams

Jews or Israelites?

…given us by Jewish missionaries. And our ultimate rejoicing and glory will be when both Jews and Gentiles can worship before God’s throne in harmony, through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. But while we desire to see unsaved Jews come to know Jesus, as we do with all of mankind, it must be their free choice. God does not want service from compulsion, but worship from free choice. May the Lord Jesus direct you as you seek Him. tim…

Outline of Colossians

…in Christ 6-7 Abound with thanksgiving 7 Watch out for those who will cheat you 8-15 The cheaters 8 Philosophy Deceit Traditions of men Elements of the world Christ 9-15 All the fullness of the Godhead dwells We are complete in Him. We are circumcised in Him We are buried with Him We are raised with Him We are made alive with Him We are forgiven We are free from the law in Him We are free from our enemies…

Freedom Reigns

…just the same, As untold numbers lost their lives, so that today, freedom can reign. Now as I open my eyes in this land of the free, here’s how I’ll pray, Lord I know that You give us our freedom and You could take it away. I pray for leaders that’ll turn our country back to the God we trust, Then seek Him to preserve our freedom, for trusting in Him is a must. A Christian poem by:  Robert Hedrick…


A light, a flash, a fiery dash, Part red, part blue; its brilliant hue Covered the sky from east to west Marking the coming of Him. Eyes and wheels their courses did run Upholding the platform of the dear Son; As He took to the night across the thin air Displaying that Light; His Presence was there. Above it all in splendor so grand, There was a great throne, and on it a Man– A Man with a scepter in…

God’s Gift

When I first heard the gospel news, It was revealed to me, Why Jesus Christ came to this earth, To die to set us free. I’d like to share this news with you, Why the Lord Jesus came, So you can have this free gift too, When you call upon his name. I was told how in the beginning, That the enemy of God, Tricked Adam and Eve into eating, Of the fruit that God forbid. They disobeyed the sovereign…

Jesus Is the Way

…blood and died upon the tree To give you eternal life and from sin to set you free Free from the bondage with which Satan blinds your eyes He is the great deceiver and is full of lies The devil says there are many ways to get to heaven But we must listen to God and he says there is only one way given Jesus said I am the way and no one can be saved any other way He…


…in the skies. We give thanks for soldiers who serve our country in the home of the brave and the free, But most of all we give thanks to Jesus, Who gave His life upon Calvary’s tree. He hung the stars and bore the stripes And by His shed blood we are truly free, In Him all who die are promised eternal life, By His “amazing grace”…the blind are made to see. So as we honor our soldiers remembering their…

New Age Escape — Elaine’s Christian Testimony

…really did feel that. Even as an unbeliever I would raise my hands during worship time because it seemed right. After the 9/11 attacks, because these were instigated by Muslims, I read a book on the religion Islam, whose followers are called Muslims. The book told me that only Jews and Christians view mankind as being made in God’s image and believe that God loves us and that God is a Father to us, his creation. Muslims, on the other…