Will God Forgive Purposeful Sin?

Question from a Site Viewer I have sinned purposefully against God by watching porn. Will the almighty God forgive me because I have come across some Christian brothers who say that sin committed deliberately is an act of rebellion against God and as such God will not forgive. God will punish such a soul. Do I still have hope? Tim’s Answer Thank you for asking the question. I do not know what Scripture your Christian brothers are using to state…

How to Hear God’s Voice

…Sometimes it was by dreams and visions; sometimes God simply appeared and spoke directly (Numbers 12:6-8). Then, Jesus appeared. Hebrews 1:2 tells us that God has spoken to us by His Son. All Christians should take the time to study intently the four gospels, as they contain the direct words of Jesus to us. But Jesus does not confine our listening to the four gospels. Jesus tells us in John 16:13-15 that the Holy Spirit would come and speak about…

Paul’s Epistles — All Christians Need?

Question from a Site Viewer Paul’s epistles, I’ve heard, are the only books Christians really need to study. Is there a group promoting this viewpoint? Tim’s Answer You are the second person in a short time that has reported a similar matter. See our article: Are Paul’s Epistles the Only Relevant Books? We are not sure where the pastor you mention gets his position. We are not sure how anyone can be a follower of the Lord Jesus and reject…

Was the Bible Written by One Person?

…Bible, that author would have been a genius such as the world has never seen. The ancient poem found in Habakkuk 3 is completely different than Psalm 23. The language of Zechariah shows a more modern language than the language of Job. Besides, the individual books are incredibly complex. For instance, the book of Zechariah is composed of two parts, each forming a chiasm with a center pointing to the Messiah. The center of the entire book points to the…

Prayer, As An Expression of Our Faith In God

…“call.” In Genesis 3:9, God called to Adam. The concept of calling is not much different from what we do today. When I say, “I will call you,” I am expressing my plan to contact you verbally. It may be by telephone, or it may be by opening the door and calling you for dinner, but in any case it involves communication. That is prayer. It is communication with God. But it is more than simply any communication. It is…

Am I Really Saved?

…to God early and often. Keep on coming. Draw near to Him. When we come to Him, He will not cast us out (John 6:37). You ask for some thoughts on strengthening your assurance of salvation. You want to know if you’re really saved. First, we must trust Christ. If Christ says that He will not cast us out if we come, then we must trust Him. If Christ says that if we believe on in Him we will be…

Is the Book of Revelation About Rome?

…and his children may be persecuted but they will be victorious. Dr. Oakes What would your response be? Thanks Tim’s Answer Thank you for your email.  Dr. Oakes follows a modified partial preterist position.  Rather than seeing everything except the final coming of Christ happening in the 70 A.D. destruction of Jerusalem, he sees the book of Revelation largely as dealing with the destruction of Rome over the following few centuries.  He certainly is entitled to take that view and…

The Key to Knowing God

…Him. To Him, when we commit sin, it’s like we’re committing adultery. Think about it. He hates sin, probably like we would hate it if our spouses committed adultery (if you’re not married, then think about your significant other cheating on you). And even though humanity reviled Him and turned against Him time after time, He still gave His only Son for all people. Would you give your only child (or any child) for someone who committed adultery or cheated…

Fate–A Psychedelic Christian Testimony

…up. Boils had appeared on my arms. I’d cry and cry and cry wondering when God would tell me which one it was going to be . . . Heaven . . . or Hell. Every time Id get upset, I would go to the chair by the fire extinguisher . . . and take paper and pencil and write the 23’d Psalms over and over and over and over. Finally, after all the agony and voices and paranoia ….

Danielle’s Christian Testimony

…to watch her die. She was in the other room and you could hear the sound of the oxygen tank and the alarms beeping on her IV. The love of his life was dying in front of his eyes; it must have been so lonely and sad for him. I mean to tell you I am not one for forgiving monsters. I have held my anger and hatred very close to me all these years. It was my comfort and…