How Jesus Fits in the Trinity

…death. I believe He did so to show us how we should relate to the Father. But though he subjected Himself to the Father in His actions, He is equal with the Father in His person. In theological terms we speak of the ontological relationship and the economic relationship of the Trinity. Ontologically, that is, in the essence of Their being, each person of the Trinity is completely equal with each other person, with no One over the Other. Economically,…

What is God’s Name?

Question from a Site Viewer I have a simple question for you. What is God’s name? Tim’s Answer You ask what is the name of our God. In the Bible, God has many names. The name most often used in the Old Testament for God is what is known as the Tetragrammaton, composed of four Hebrew letters (yod, he, vav, he). Because of the command not to take the name of the Lord in vain and in reverence to the…

Are We Baptists?

Question from a Site Viewer I just read your article on amillenialism and you sound Protestant but seem as you are speaking for Baptist doctrine? Is that true? You don’t seem to identify yourself on your website. Tim’s Answer Thanks for your comment. You ask whether I am speaking for Baptist doctrine. I am not sure what Baptist doctrine you may have in mind, as there are so many different doctrines within the wide range of those who call themselves…


…will be the same when you begin to interpret the New Testament passages on the subject. He has not suddenly become more callused toward humanity with the coming of Christ. He still has compassion on the wicked, even as He did with Ninevah during the days of Jonah. If people will repent, He will still relent from the judgment He has pronouced on them. I do not hold my position as a way to debate those who may believe otherwise….

In the End

The things I long to show you, now you must behold Search the deepest mystery, a city made of gold And in this city from the sky a Righteous shall dwell To lead the kingdoms of the earth and destroy the works of hell From the mighty city shall a crystal river flow Upon its riverbanks, the healing trees will grow The sun and moon will fade away, the stars won’t give their light The Mighty Prince will light the…

I Cannot Know

…Can others eat of your forbidden tree? Can they know your impossibility? Can I know a thought that you can’t? Is knowledge such a selective plant? Or have you considered that you, yourself, are able To make knowledge impossible? Do you refuse to search out the facts Hiding behind the facade of “I can’t”? Perhaps you prefer a system like flies Of thoughts fleeing, flying, falling from skies, Gathering here to feast off this bone Gathering there to rest on…

Lack of the Definite Article in John 1:1

…has seen godly at any time; the only existing godly, who is in the bosom of the Father has made Him known.” One does not see adjectives. One sees persons, places, and things (nouns). Further, the pronoun “who” simply does not work well in referencing back to an adjectival idea. “Who” references back to people. There are numerous other examples where applying an adjectival idea to an anarthrous noun (a noun without an article) simply does not work in Greek….

Are Paul’s Epistles the Only Relevant Books?

…the gospels? While the Pauline Epistles are rich, it is in the gospels that we come face to face with Jesus. Thus, the church has always accepted the four gospels. See our article Did the Bible Come From the Catholics? for more information. We find the claim that we only need the Pauline Epistles to be preposterous. We trust you will as well. May the Lord Jesus and His Spirit guide you as you seek to proclaim His truth. truthsaves…

The Unpardonable Sin

…to godliness brotherly kindness and love (2 Peter 1:5-8). These are the building blocks for a transformed mind. I am concerned about the voices you speak about in your email. It is possible that the voices simply represent evil thoughts that are present in all of us. If so, when they come we should simply choose to think about other thoughts. While this can be a difficult struggle, it is a worthy struggle. Part of self-control is gaining the control…

The Rapture–Amillennialism, Post-millennialism, or Pre-millennialism?

…interpretation is not available to common people, but must be taught by the church (a real problem to me since I believe Scripture was written for the common person), and 2) God has a fairly consistent history of fulfilling His prophecy literally, and so I would not want to bet against this history with the prophecy yet to be fulfilled. I reject post-millennialism for the same reasons and for an additional reason. Scripture seems fairly clear that the church is…