The Christian Testimony of Eduardo Torres III

…would have a companion. I was eight years old when my brother was born and I really could not play with him much. I wanted to be outside running around building stuff and things like that, but he was just a baby. I still felt alone. My parents, as always, were very irresponsible and always made me care for my brother. So he became somewhat of a burden and not much of a companion as I had initially thought. There…

The Ongoing Dialogue About Baptism

…is thru the watery grave of baptism that we put to death our old man of sin and arise a new creature. Christ was baptized to fulfill all righteousness not because of any sins but to establish an example for us to follow. Please search the scriptures with an open heart and mind and don’t read into them and thus lead others astray. Tim’s Answer Thank you for your note. I think you must have read the article in a…

Prophecies and Fulfillments Concerning His Birth

…among the rulers of Judah; For out of you shall come a Ruler Who will shepherd My people Israel.”‘ Then Herod, when he had secretly called the wise men, determined from them what time the star appeared. And he sent them to Bethlehem and said, “Go and search carefully for the young Child, and when you have found Him, bring back word to me, that I may come and worship Him also.” When they heard the king, they departed; and…

Jeremiah’s Christian Testimony

…it became an addiction for me too. I used it in search of love and just to feel safe and fit in with others. I sold my soul and body to the flames of same sex relationships and they grew to where I couldn’t even go to sleep at night for guys knocking at my door. They wanted to have sex with me. I am not bragging, but I did it my best. They would say that they couldn’t find…

Candice’s Christian Testimony

…We were living together, not married . . . The enemy used lie after lie to make me believe this man and I were meant to be together. I went to a trusted friend in my church community as I was starting to have serious doubts about this relationship. But I was too afraid of losing this man to follow through with breaking it off. Eventually it got to a point where I started to pray constantly to God for

Tanya’s Christian Testimony

…met a lady who was a born-again Christian. She invited one of her church leaders over to convert me. He tried hard, but I didn’t have a have a very high opinion of Christians at the time. So I left unchanged. In my second year I became pregnant with Paul’s child. I tried hard to finish my second year, but when exams came around, I was very near to the end of my term. I failed my exams and went…

The Christian Testimony of Duane Washam–Former Worshipful Master

…Universe is prayed to, and that GAOTU, as he is called, is not the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, but rather some sort of a composite “deity” that Moslems, Buddhists and other non-Christians are equally comfortable praying to. He began showing me that instead of receiving the Truth of His Holy Word, I was receiving skillfully, sometimes not so skillfully, crafted distortions of it. My decision to leave the lodge was not an easy one to make, nor was it…

Tucker’s Christian Testimony

My name is Tucker. I am 17 and I just graduated from high school. I was raised by atheists. As long as I can remember, my family has been full of addictions to drugs and alcohol and various kinds of child abuse. Needless to say, I have not always been a Christian. My search for Christ began at about age 8. About this time, my dad started buying new age philosophy books as well as studying various world religions. As…

Am I Saved?

…but His work given freely to those who come to Christ. So, in answer to your question of “are you saved?” I ask you the question: “Have you come to Christ?” Have you asked Him to save you? If you have, then He is faithful to His promise and will not cast away any who come to Him. But having come, my rule of life is “do not stop there.” Every day, and at all times, keep coming to Jesus….

Did God Harden Pharaoh’s Heart?

…stating that God knew beforehand that Pharaoh would not let Israel go, even when God’s strong hand came down on Pharaoh. Keil and Delitzsch’s commentary, the widely accepted critical conservative commentary on the Old Testament, agrees with you on this passage and on the entire encounter between God and Pharaoh. God knew the heart of Pharaoh before God ever strengthened Pharaoh’s heart in his obstinacy. I also suspect that a Calvinist might read the verse differently, concluding that God knew…