A Sinner Like Me

Pushing this flesh into alignment, guided by The Word most holy and pure, I’m striving to learn principles for a sanctified life to endure. My Lord loves me without hesitation and allowed a part of Himself to die. He’s calling me homeward without reservation; by His Spirit, to His side, I’ll eventually fly. Knowing I’m a child of His, during trying times I find true encouragement. I’m able to lean on His strength while in search of heavenly ascent. Stumbling…

The God Who Speaks

How silent the wind and the animals are      When a storm is about to play. How silent the hills of the battlefield are      When the armies have turned away. How silent the gym of a championship team      Two hours after the game. More silent the home where a child once was      After death has laid its claim. But such silence is loud, its tone deep and strong      Compared to a silence on high. If God…

What Christmas Means to Me

…wondrous things too deep to absorb. Five hundred years plus since Daniel had said: “Sixty-nine sevens were yet to be had Before the appearance of Wisdom’s Wealth Who would be cut off, but not for Himself.” “Where are you going?” my wife used to say, After the meal, and dark replaced day. “I just want to look to see if its there, This sign of the Savior, in the stars’ glare.” “How long shall you look, it never has come…

Tragedy too Great to Bear

I pray for souls already lost And for those who’ll pay the cost Of tragedy too great to bear Of circumstances beyond despair For those who search amongst the rubble and decay Who bow their heads and begin to pray “Oh Lord have mercy on us all” I pray for mothers who wait to hear From loved ones they hold dear Who in their darkest moments cry “Oh Lord, dear God, don’t let them die!” I pray for uncertain days…

Doug’s Testimony – Mormon to Christian

I was raised Mormon, in an abusive household. It seemed boring and lifeless to me, and I couldn’t respect a religion my abusive father belonged to. Growing up, I had emotional, behavioral, and developmental problems. Among them: Asperger’s Syndrome, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, and PTSD (as a result of the abuse). In addition I had a low immune system and chronic migraines. When I was 13, in a search for power and personal development, I began experimenting with the…

How to Respond to Bad Theology

Question from a Site Viewer I think ____________ are so far out in left field! Where do they get their crazy ideas and their terribly bad theology? I think we should diligently search Scripture and let them know how and why they’re wrong. Tim’s Answer I do find it interesting that Christians often hold such radically different opinions on the same text. And I find some of the positions strangely foreign to the text. But I suspect some have the…

Can a Christian Fall Away & Return to God?

example to us but actually there is no hope for the rest of us because Paul’s example does not fit us. Such would turn the passage on its head. Moreover, all of Scripture is filled with examples of intentional sins. Abraham asked Sarah to lie for him; David murdered Uriah; Manasseh did more evil than all the kings before him; Peter denied Christ, the prodigal son left his family for an intentional life of sin . . . If we…

Outline of Ecclesiastes

…His commands. The entire duty of man is to keep God’s commands, because this will be the basis of the ultimate judgment. Focusing on the ultimate judgment provides meaning to life. This is the fear of the LORD. This ultimate conclusion is itself strewn throughout the sermon. In 3:17, the Preacher states: “God shall judge the righteous and the wicked.” In 5:7, the Preacher states: “Fear God” In 7:18, the Preacher states: “He who fears God will come forth from…

I am Suffering — Is God Mad at Me?

…etc., then the trials will reveal this as well. Remember what Jesus said at the close of the Sermon on the Mount. A wise person is like a man who builds his house upon the rock. When the rains come and the storms surge, the house stands. The foolish person is like a man who builds his house upon the sand. When the rains come and the storms surge, the house falls. When our lives are centered on Jesus, we…

Rendani’s Christian Testimony

…of independence (my confession to my fear of marriage) and unknowingly to me, my declaration of unworthiness to love. Despite my best attempts at making myself happy, I found myself miserable to the point of depression. I was no longer enjoying my independence, relationship and isolation. And again I thought I knew exactly what it was I needed- a new job and a new relationship. And so I went out in the quest to find both. My search left me…