I Have Sinned

…and upbeat. I saw them approach the corner ahead Glancing around, they finally said: “So many years and now we are free Free from those walls built tall as can be.” I turned as I heard, a groaning behind, Wondering at what surprise I might find. It was those great walls, pride’s fall was that day, Cracking and falling, crumbling away. Exposed in the heart, a throne was raised high And there on that throne, humility cried. A Christian poem…

Is God Finished With Me?

…8. Those who live by striving to do what is right will always find failure. We cannot love God by keeping the commandments, whether they be Old Testament commandments or New Testament ones. This is the teaching of Galatians 3-5. But we can keep His commandments by loving Him. Love must always come first. If we love Him, then everything else will fall into place. Thus, our effort must be geared towards loving God. And love comes naturally to those…

Why Does God Harden Hearts?

…Thus, consistent with Scripture one may see God accomplishing His hardening by using Pharaoh as the bad actor to work out God’s will. Whether God caused Pharaoh’s heart to be hardened by directly strengthening it to do what Pharaoh really wanted to do (what seems to be the meaning of the verb most frequently used in this passage concerning God’s role) or by withdrawing restraint and allowing Pharaoh free reign to harden his own heart, or through some other means;…

Don’t Mess with the Paranormal

…have learned to walk in the Spirit of God (Galatians 5:22-23). Thus, I commend you for turning away from the paranormal. However, I also encourage you not to stop with simply turning away from a force that was not good. Rather, I encourage you to consider Jesus Christ. You might want to get a Bible, or read it on-line, and begin with the gospel of John. God freely gives blessings in abundance to those who come to Him, blessings that…

Is the Earth God’s or Satan’s?

Question from a Site Viewer Who owns the earth? Is it God or Satan? The hymn, This is Our Father’s World . . . rings true to me . . . but some suggest that it belongs to Satan based on the answers that Jesus gave to Satan after his 40 days in the desert. Jesus didn’t deny Satan’s comments. Did this change after Jesus arose from the grave? Or is it still the same until the 2nd coming? Tim’s

Is the Peace Sign Bad?

…The death of Christ transformed the symbol of death into a symbol of life. The meaning of symbols can be changed, even as the meaning of the cross changed. For those who see the peace sign as evil, they should not use the symbol. For those who do not see it as evil, they should feel free to use the symbol, only keeping in mind that love towards others would compel them to consider their audience when using the symbol….

My Husband Drinks

…more difficult to live life as we know we should. You simply experience that tension up close and personal. Peter gives some great guidance for your situation. In 1 Peter 3:1-4, Peter instructs wives to be submissive to their own husbands. The Greek word that is translated “submissive” in our English translations comes from a military use, meaning to be under the rank of another. It is not the idea of being inferior or being someone’s personal genie. Rather it…

Should Christians Continually Confess Sins?

…desire to not sin. The curse of the law and its death has been abrogated by the finished work of Jesus. He first loved us and now we are free to love him. Tim’s Answer Thank you for your email. You ask where Paul instructs us to confess our sins after we have been saved. As a student of Paul, you probably know that Paul never speaks in terms of confessing sins after we are saved. Nor does Paul ever…

Sin — I Can’t Stop

…very intentional. Will God abandon me because I continue sinning? I want to be with Him, but I’m continually frightened. Tim’s Answer I commend you for wanting to be with Jesus. I also believe it is good to have a healthy fear of God and thereby avoid sin. However, I think you may yet struggle with what it means to be saved. Salvation comes from God to us when we put our trust in Jesus Christ. Jesus said that whoever…

‘Twas the Beginning of Advent

…of the searching, let Christmas find us. We open our hearts, our hands and our eyes, To see the king coming in our own neighbors’ cries. We look without seeking what we think we’ve earned, But rather we’re looking for relationships spurned. With him he brings wholeness and newness of life For brother and sister, for husband and wife. The Christ-child comes not by our skill, But rather he comes by his own Father’s will. We can’t make him come…