Torture — Is it Ever Justifiable

…am I to believe about God and torture? Is torture an act of evil or is it justifiable? Does God approve of torture? Is it right to torture evil people? Tim’s Answer The question you ask concerning torture is a complex one. Those who take issue with Scripture and the God of Scripture often note that the God of Scripture seems cruel. They cite to the gory details recorded on the pages of Scripture as well as commands by God…

Did Kings Really Present Gifts to Jesus?

…So they said to him, “In Bethlehem of Judea, for thus it is written by the prophet: “But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, Are not the least among the rulers of Judah; For out of you shall come a Ruler Who will shepherd My people Israel.” Then Herod, when he had secretly called the wise men, determined from them what time the star appeared. And he sent them to Bethlehem and said, “Go and search carefully for the…

Am I Saved or Not?

…the wrong direction in relation to God, as you may well suspect I would believe. I find no historical support for a faith that affirms the things you affirm in your email, nor do I see the evidence of the working of God in a community of people who have held similar beliefs. But I find both historical support and the evidence of the hand of God on communities who have held to the faith handed down from the earliest…

Partial Preterism

…it be said that he was destroyed by the brightness of the coming of Christ (2 Thessalonians 2:8)? Was there a secret coming of Christ in 68 A.D? Hanegraaff does not believe in a coming of Christ in 68 A.D., but yet believes that Nero was the Antichrist. If Jesus did not come in 68 A.D., then in what sense can we say that the Antichrist was destroyed by the brightness of Christ’s coming? And looking to Revelation 19, how…

I Think I Have Lost My Salvation

…God must give us our faith. I do not know if this is part of the teaching you have received. I note that theologians disagree on this point, with strong arguments from Scriptures on both sides. But whichever side is right (and perhaps both are only partly right), Scripture is clear on this point; namely, that God commands us to repent, He commands us to believe, He commands us to love Him and He commands us to follow Him. From…

Jesus — Do You Know Him?

…requires action. Jesus says those that will enter heaven are the ones who do the Father’s will. See what Scripture says about loving God. “Teacher, what is the great commandment in the law?” Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment.” Matthew 22:36-38 (NKJ) So we believe, we stop sin, and we love God with everything we…

Confession of a Ransomed Man

Though I am stubborn, sinful, weak and small, And my Lord is power, strength, perfect one, He still loves me the same, above it all, In love he paid my ransom through his Son. How could I after seeing his beauty, Elsewhere seek to find worth in anything? For his sacrifice has broken me free With my new heart, and new hope I now sing: “Who the Son has set free, is free indeed! Yes I was once chained to…

What God and His Word Have Done For Me

…had no inclination at all toward having desires for the woman. The thought was completely foreign and in opposition with my own body’s natural gender’s feelings. I chose not to agree with the demon and shooed the thought away by Jesus and His truth, and suddenly the voice vanished and my body’s feelings stayed completely utterly intact; there was no inkling at all of a homosexual desire in any of my parts. I am completely set free and healed from…

Norm Rasmussen’s Christian Testimony

…fact, conflict actually increased (due to demonic attacks constantly coming against them, which I’ve come to realize is quite typical). Even so, their lives had become centered on helping others grow in their relationship with God, instead of being self-consumed with pain, bitterness and confusion like mine was. So near age 35 (around 1980), I was a wreck. I was facing death by essentially my own choosing, and I wasn’t convinced in my heart that I would go to heaven…

Sheila’s Christian Testimony

…came across a man that told me about Jesus and how He could deliver me and make my life an example to others. I had not eaten in a couple of days and he asked me if I was hungry, so he took me to a restaurant and bought me something to eat. The entire time he shared about Jesus Christ with me. He told me Christ could and would set me free if I was willing, and how He…