The Rapture, Part III

come back and set foot on the Mount of Olives. What do you think these passages mean in this regard? Tim’s Answer Thanks much for the question. Accepting the concept of the rapture does not mean that one must deny the ultimate return of Christ to reign on the earth, or the gathering of His saints that occurs at that time. The splitting of the second coming of Christ into His coming for His church and His coming to rule…

Mary’s Lineage

…Christ coming as prophesied in Psalm 132:11: “. . . God had sworn with an oath to him (David) that of the fruit of his body, according to the flesh, He would raise up the Christ to sit on his throne.” It seems to me that Peter viewed Christ as being a descendant (physically) from David. The term “fruit of his body” seems to imply something different from a Levitical marriage or one who is adopted. There is a begetting…

Is Jesus the True God? An Overview of the Trinity

…Himself coming with all the saints, and the LORD Himself will be King over all the earth. Of course, these are fully Messianic passages. In 1 Thessalonians 3:13, it is the Lord Jesus who will return with all of His saints. In Jude 14-15, it is the Lord who comes with His saints to execute judgment (and we know from John 5:22 that Jesus is the one who executes judgment). And Jesus is the King over all the earth (Revelation…

Is Hell Eternal?

…worms will continue to feed and fire to burn, but that the worms are tied to them; that is, it is “their worm” and “their fire.” Such language seems to me to point to something other than annihilation. If the bodies continue forever as the passage indicates, it does not make much sense to me that the souls would be more mortal than the bodies. In Daniel 12:2, Daniel speaks of a resurrection of some to everlasting life and some…

Christian Poems

…you know Him? A Christian poem by Cinda. Blessed Storms As we press onward through life’s storms, our faith becomes stronger and we develop perseverance. Homeland Security As Christians, our homeland security director will never make any mistakes. Free Gift of Salvation A Christian poem that explains, simply, the free gift of salvation given to us by Jesus Christ. Where Is the Peace? We can choose life or death. My suggestion is to choose life, and live. I Cannot Know…

Divorce and Remarriage in Scripture

…ability to exercise self-control that single people do not? I fear lest we create a situation like Paul addresses in 1 Timothy 5:11-15 where we expose believers to the snare of Satan. Paul had the compassion to recognize that some may not be able to exercise self-control, and for these it is better to marry. And as acknowledge earlier, God also seems to understand that remarriage will happen. The remarriage of those whose prior spouse committed sexual immorality is not…

Predestination–Do We Have a Choice?

…hears say, ‘Come!’ And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely.” Revelation 22:17 There is a choice given to all humanity. I do not see this as a meaningless choice. As I read Scripture, God calls us, pleads with us, and asks us to come to Him. All who heed His call and come, He gives them eternal life. There is so much more that can be said on this subject. As…

About Us

…and now I have more content coming in than I can post in my limited time. Presently (July, 2013), the site gets over 10,000 unique visitors every month. Not too long ago, we were hitting around 20,000 unique visitors each month but for some reason we lost some of our high google rankings. Who knows why? Anyway, with the combination of questions, testimonies and poems that come in, I’m currently posting things that I received a very long time ago….

The Devil in the Confessional Box

I have worked very hard. But now I see the fruits of my hard-working, They’re even better than I’ve ever dared to dream! In vain may some try my possessions to redeem When I’m no longer in the shadow, lurking, But I have gained people’s approval and esteem. No sneaking, since a statue of me smirking Is guarding world’s front yard. I have worked very hard! I have been very wise. People loved freedom, this I knew from Eden. So…

Faith Saves; Baptism Doesn’t

…We have in Acts 8 an example of the Spirit’s coming with the laying on of the hands of an apostles (This is not simply implied but expressly stated). We have in Acts 10 an example where the Spirit’s coming is linked solely to speaking. The baptism came later. And, we have in Acts 19 an example of where the Spirit’s coming is linked to the laying on of hands. Is there a reason why you would see baptism as…