Sendrine’s Christian Testimony

…that every situation that I travel through is in His will. Dear Lord, God, and Father, there is truly no one like You. Who can be compared to You, Father? You are Lord, King and Creator of all. You are so loving and faithful that no one could ever match or measure up to You. Papa, may Your will be done upon my life. Use me as your instrument; show me how to serve You and win souls over for

Willie’s Christian Testimony

…on. I was driving on the expressway when I started feeling something coming upon me. I felt like I was at the end of a rope and the rope was love. It was as if it was pulling me someplace I didn’t want to go. It was so strong. I remember saying, “Whatever or whoever is messing with me, leave me alone.” But it never stopped. He kept on drawing me and pulling me. Another time, I was driving down…

David’s Christian Testimony

…by God’s grace and by faith alone. I no longer have “religion” but rather, a living relationship with the Son of God who hung on that cross 2,000 years ago and I am so thankful to be a small part of his church, the bride of Christ. May God bless you and may many more come into His church before His return which is imminent. I close with the saying: Marantha (even so Lord Jesus, come)! David J. Kallio

How Can a Loving God Allow Suffering & Send People to Hell?

…it dwarfs the problem of those who choose hell? In some ways, the situation is not unlike a small community. We know that in almost any small community, someone will commit a crime and be sent to prison. Should we therefore ban everyone from having children in that community because some will suffer in prison? Would we not say that the good that comes from children is so much greater than the evil of those who choose a life of…

Gill’s Christian Testimony

…the road from my dorm). The doctor examined my knee and compared it to the chart that the other doctor had taken the day before. He said, “This is strange. The swelling in your knee seems to be smaller than yesterday.” I did not give it much thought, because I still knew that I would be transferred to Valley Medical Center. He took an x-ray and said, “This is very strange. I want to wait a couple of days and…

The Inerrancy of Scripture

…consistent with the teachings of Christ. (see Grudem, 50) That God is completely truthful is the consistent witness of Scripture. (See Numbers 23:19; I Samuel 15:29; John 3:33; Romans 3:4; Titus 1:2; Hebrews 6:18.) What he writes, flowing out of His nature, therefore, must be completely true. (see Packer, 102) And that is precisely what Scripture affirms. John 17:17 states, “Thy word is truth.” (NAS) (See also II Samuel 7:28; Nehemiah 9:13; Psalm 19:9; 119:142, 151, 160; II Timothy 2:15;…


…is he? He is gone. He has risen! The clouds wrapped around him As he ascended into heaven He sits with God He is home. One day I will die. I will sit with God the Father and God the Son. I will be free of pain. I will be free of temptation. I will be free of sin. I will be free of Satan’s lies. I will live forever. I will be home. A Christian poem by:  Claire M….

Why Christians Believe in the Trinity

…about Him, Christians accept the teaching about God found in these sacred books. Though many Muslims teach that Jews, Christians, and Muslims all believe in the same God, it is certainly true that Jews, Muslims, and Christians have different views of that God, and those differences are based on the sacred writings that each accept. Long before the Koran was published, God had spoken to people about Himself in sacred writings. At the very beginning of the sacred texts, in…

How does God Provide Atonement for Sin?

…his blood for all sins, if in the Old Testament, blood spilled was only for unintentional sins? How did God forgive those in the Old Testament for intentional sins? This person also used Hosea 14:2 as “proof” that prayer was a replacement for sacrifice, and we were saved from sin simply by praying. They used Kings 8:46-50 as the same example. And then for the part on atonement in Leviticus 17:10-12, they said that blood was used to obtain atonement…

Jeremiah 17:9–Is the Heart Desperately Wicked?

…(vs. 5-6) and the blessedness of those who trust in the LORD (vs. 7-8). These are two different groups of people. Immediately after He speaks of these blessed people, He says this verse (17:9). He then follows this verse with the following statement: “I, the LORD, search the heart; examining the affections; even to give to each one according to his ways, according to the fruit of his practices.” It seems to me that the logic of the passage is…