Our Faith in the Marketplace–Christian Distinctives Part 2

…the resurrection, in many ways, simply validates the cross. We like the resurrection. The cross is uncomfortable, because it reminds us of our sin. It is bloody, gory, terrifying, messy. No one is naturally drawn to such a place. Even Jesus recoiled from it in the garden of Gethsemane. We want the victory of the resurrection. The cross seems such a place of defeat and death. The cross, at first approach, seems to offer only suffering. We want life and…

Richard’s Christian Testimony – Drugs, Violence, Prison, Freedom

The following text is personal testimony of how God has brought inner healing from emotional wounds that were inflicted on me as a child, and set me free from a fear of violence and a deeply entrenched behavior pattern that had caused me to hurt others growing up. My hope and prayer is that if anyone reading this is able to identify with any of it, they will come to understand the deep healing and freedom that can be found…

Hannah’s Testimony

According to Miriam-Webster.com, the word “testimony means: proof or evidence that something exists or is true, firsthand authentication of a fact, an open acknowledgment, a public profession of religious experience . . . Typically, when we post testimonies here on truthsaves, we’re detailing conversion experiences. But as Miriam-Webster kindly points out, a testimony is so much more than that. So, we gladly post Hannah’s testimony which meets all the above requirements of a testimony. Her testimony begins below. I’m so…

Untitled Poem #3

So many unbelieving Don’t let me stop my cleaving I cleave to You And try to help them see that You are true Please shine real bright Shine through my little light A Christian poem by:  Emily Schmidt — eschmidt122@gmail.com

Untitled Poem #2

I want to help them see See You through me Jesus, You are so bright Shine through my little light A Christian poem by:  Emily Schmidt — eschmidt122@gmail.com

Untitled Poem

Help me never to turn away To the devil and his sway But let me put my trust in You Through and through A Christian poem by:  Emily Schmidt — eschmidt122@gmail.com

Christ the Firstborn

…words, not only does everything come from Him, but it also goes back to Him, as the Zondervan NIV Bible Commentary says: “Creation is for Christ in the sense that He is the end for which all things exist, the goal toward whom all things were intended to move. They are meant to serve His will and to contribute to His glory.” (volume 2, page 820) All matter is made up of atoms. Within each atom is a nucleus which…

In the Midst – Kristi’s Christian Testimony

…any damage to the right side of her head where she landed onto the concrete. We concluded she was pushing the push broom and backed off the edge in between the studs of the wall, which were twelve inches apart. We contacted family and friends, to begin the prayer chain. During her tests, we saw blood coming from the Ericka’s right nostril . . . causing us to panic again. Minutes seemed like hours, hours like days as they completed…

Paul’s Christian Testimony

…prayed, and got a warm feeling about the Book of Mormon so decided to get baptized. This was in April 1998. I was warmly welcomed into the membership and very soon I was called to be a stake missionary. Gail was called as a young women’s counselor. This caused some problems because Gail wanted to make the lessons fun and teach them useful things like computer skills etc. The leadership just wanted to teach them how to cook and sew…

Freedom From Witchcraft – Jean-Luc deVare’s Christian Testimony

…with life in general – looking for answers but finding none. I became intrigued with the occult. I read copiously and found a power that I felt I lacked, and most importantly, I found something that I sorely needed . . . a place to belong. I began to practice daily rituals, relied on divination before making decisions and made contacts within the Pagan community, joining the Pagan Alliance and traveling to attend major gatherings, though I was still, at…