Brian’s Christian Testimony

…family was Mormon with the exception of a few. I felt that it was my duty to defend them and our family history. The more I searched to prove them wrong the more I proved them right. I had come to a crossroad. I had to decide once and for all what I was. Was I a Mormon, or a Christian? I sat and thought about this and wondered how to come upon a decision. I finally decided that the…

How Is Your Performance?

…Stop “going on” and let Christ “go on” through you. I’m not saying you won’t ever have any more tough times, but you will have the resources to get through them. Do it without delay. May the apostle John’s words prove true to you: Even now, little children, abide in Him. Then, when He appears, we will have confidence and will not turn away from Him in shame at his coming. I John 2:28 (ISV) Written by: Ron Gregory,

Free Gift of Salvation

God has made a way of salvation For all the people of his creation He sent his only son Jesus to die upon the cross So we wouldn’t have to go to hell and suffer such a loss We must accept his gift of salvation so freely given Jesus died upon the cross for our sin so we could be forgiven God loves us so much and wants us in heaven above He loves us poor sinners with an everlasting…

Searching Our Hearts

Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves that Jesus Christ is in you – unless indeed you fail the test? II Corinthians 13:5 Paul was probably not asking them if they were Christians, just to examine themselves to see if they were demonstrating that they were in the faith; that Christ was in them because they obeyed His will. To fail the test was to be disobedient…

Anne’s Christian Testimony

…diseases, Who redeems your life from the pit And crowns you with love and compassion, Who satisfies your desires with good things. Psalm 103:2-5 Trust in the LORD and do good: Dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Delight yourself in the LORD And He will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:3-4 I read these two Psalms when I sat in my room. I felt so encouraged and joyful. Everything was so smooth that I thought…

The Tribulation – Will Christians Have to Go Through It?

…earth, but He comes and invites us to come up with Him, to meet Him in the air. This is the coming spoken of in John 14:1-3 where Jesus goes to prepare a place for us and then comes to take us to be with Him there. This is the coming of Matthew 25:1-13 where we go out to meet our Lord and enter into His chambers and He shuts the door. Then, after that coming, the LORD comes out…

Jikky’s Christian Testimony

…many questions. How come this had come again on us? We were supposed to go on with our normal happy comfortable lives. It just wasn’t fair. Not for my mother to go through this again. As we faced this looming darkness building up before us, we were shattered into a thousand little pieces with our uncertainties. It was as if we faced death itself. It started with an unsuspecting pneumonia, which was treated. This was followed by cough and then…

Tough Questions? The Bible has the Answers

…(2 Peter 1:3). The answers are in the pages of God’s letter to us. And, if you haven’t tried studying your Bible with capable Bible study software, you should. E-sword is one of my favorite free programs of all time. For free, you can have access to commentaries, dictionaries, maps, devotionals . . . it’s truly amazing. Thanks Rick Meyers! And now Rick has also provided a great iphone app as well. It’s my go-to Bible app on my iphone….

Elizabeth’s Christian Testimony

…the glory of God, and am going from strength to strength. I have experienced complete freedom from eating disorders, smoking, drinking and sexual sin. My mind is being renewed by the Word of God daily. I am married to a Pastor and have one beautiful daughter and one on the way. My testimony is not yet complete, as God is still at work and will continue to do great and mighty things in my life, to His glory. Please be…

My Personal Testimony

…advice, “The friends you choose is one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make.” My parents soon gave up trying to keep me in line, because I simply didn’t want to listen. I dove right into the party world, living for myself. I started smoking, drinking, doing drugs, the whole bit. I didn’t want anything to do with Christianity anymore. There were too many questions that I simply couldn’t answer, and too much fun that I simply wanted to…